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Niall Ferguson is a professor of history at Harvard University. He is also a senior research fellow at Jesus College, Oxford University, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. His new book, The Great Degeneration: How Institutions Decay and Economies Die, has just been published by Penguin Press.


Silicon Valley and the Threat to Democracy


Forget Russian hacking—the real threat to democracies around the globe is social media’s inexorable and unavoidable destruction of common ground and shared perspective.

Niall Ferguson | Published Jan 20, 2018

Niall to Critics: Stick It

Liberal Lies

<p>First, duck the argument. Second, nitpick. Third, vilify. That’s what <i>Niall Ferguson</i> says liberal bloggers did after reading his Newsweek story on Obama’s record. Here, he offers a point-by-point defense of his argument.<br> </p>

Niall Ferguson | Published Aug 21, 2012

Paul Krugman Is Wrong


<p>The liberal <i>New York Times </i>blogger objected to ‘multiple errors and misrepresentations’ in this week’s <i>Newsweek </i>cover story on Obama’s record in office. Author Niall Ferguson rebuts the charges.</p>

Niall Ferguson | Published Aug 20, 2012

Great Britain Saves Itself

Cameron did the right thing in pulling up the drawbridge to a collapsing continent, says Niall Ferguson.

Niall Ferguson | Published Dec 09, 2011

A Eulogy for Ted Forstmann

<p>Financier Ted Forstmann died on Nov. 20. At a memorial mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York on Tuesday morning, Niall Ferguson delivered remarks in his honor. Plus, <a href="/content/dailybeast/articles/2011/11/21/teddy-forstmann-s-visionary-life-of-making-big-deals-and-helping-others.html">Lloyd Grove on Forstmann's visionary life</a>. <br> </p>

Niall Ferguson | Published Nov 30, 2011

Blame the Baby Boomers

Niall Ferguson on why the OWS protesters should direct their fury at the spending of the baby boomers.

Niall Ferguson | Published Oct 11, 2011

Dr. K’s Rx for China

The rising superpower is flexing its muscles. In his new book, Henry Kissinger explains how to avoid the "duel of the century."

Niall Ferguson | Published May 17, 2011

Sticker Shock

The Fed may deny it, but Americans know that prices are rising. In this week’s Newsweek, Niall Ferguson takes a look at the Great Inflation of the 2010s.

Niall Ferguson | Published May 01, 2011

Un-American Revolutions

Most rebellions end in carnage and tyranny. So why, Niall Ferguson asks in this week's Newsweek, are Americans cheering on the Arab revolutionary wave?

Niall Ferguson | Published Feb 27, 2011

Sale of the Century to Balance the Books

As war breaks out in Washington over spending cuts, Newsweek columnist Niall Ferguson argues there's a smarter way to salve America's budget woes: Do what any private business would do and sell off assets—land, highways, railroads, and buildings.

Niall Ferguson | Published Feb 20, 2011