Nick Gillespie is editor at large at and the co-author The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What’s Wrong with America.

Obama’s Overreach Births Trump Rex
Listen To LibertariansIf Trump makes good on his promise to ‘bomb the shit out’ of ISIS without even token approval from Congress, we’ll know where he got the idea.

Gary Johnson Is Still a Player
Not a DoofusThe Libertarian Party nominee can benefit from Trump’s fall, but only if he can convince Republicans and Democrats that he can really be commander in chief.

The Great Bipartisan Debate Hustle
More Lesser EvilismWe’ve got the two most unpopular major-party candidates ever. So what does the Commission on Presidential Debates do? Tighten the rules even more!

How To Build a Better EpiPen
TOO BIG TO FAILForget political threats. Competition and an easier approval process is the only way to get more, better, and less expensive drugs.

Penn Jillette vs. Hillary, Trump—and Fat
DISAPPEARING ACTThe Vegas icon used to eat slabs of cheese slathered in peanut butter. Then he made 100 pounds disappear. But he’s bummed he can’t do that with presidential candidates.

POTUS Oratory Slips Bonds of US Reality
Words, Not DeedsWe don't need empty rhetoric about loss and suffering, we need leaders who inspire trust that they are honest brokers for all Americans.

Hillary Clinton Is an Empty Pantsuit
45, MEET 41She’s damn lucky she’s running against him, because she’s an empty pantsuit with no vision for the future except for her own ambition.

Gun Control Isn’t the Answer
MisfireThe increase in mass shootings is a much hyped myth. The drop in gun crime is a little noticed reality.

Hot Libertarian Ticket: Johnson and Weld
STRIP TEASE POLITICSA pair of former two-term governors will take their shot against the two most disliked big-party presidential candidates in American history.

New Times Demand a New ‘Roots’
HIT REFRESH<p>The original <i>Roots</i> was epochal. If the reboot wants to be, it needs to be situated in the (mostly) better realities of 2016.</p>