Nicolaus Mills is author of Winning the Peace: The Marshall Plan and America’s Coming of Age as a Superpower and professor of literature at Sarah Lawrence College.

She Was Battling Virginia Segregation at the Age of 9
GROWING UP ABSURDDrew Gilpin Faust was not your average Harvard president, and the road that got her there was full of good trouble.

Dear College Applicant: Affirmative Action Is Gone: Discuss
TESTIFYHere’s how one college responded to the recent Supreme Court decision on affirmative action in college admissions.

No One Ever Made the Case for Reparations Better Than Reagan
‘We right a wrong’In 1988, Ronald Reagan made a heartfelt case for payments combining restitution and reparations without fearing he would lose his credentials as a political conservative.

Ford, Edison, and Burroughs Were Our Oddest Road Warriors
hands on the wheelIn the early 20th Century, America’s foremost industrialist, inventor, and naturalist embarked on a series of road trips that were inspired by Thoreau and anticipated Kerouac.

I Love College Commencements, Even the Bittersweet Parts
the long goodbyeThe speeches on graduation day are much less important than the farewells of students, parents, and teachers.

Ending Poverty Is Always on America’s To-Do (Tomorrow) List
WE’RE MORE THAN CAPABLEPulitzer-prize-winning sociologist Matthew Desmond argues that we can start obliterating poverty by overhauling the government policies and laws that worsen the lives of the poor.

Stephen A. Smith’s Real Gift Is Keeping the Focus on Himself
laser focusedAs his memoir never lets us forget, there is no “I” in team. But there certainly is one in Smith.

This Russian Genius Singlehandedly Created American Ballet
Mr. BGeorge Balanchine loved Fred Astaire, Native American dancing, and the long-legged kicks of American cheerleaders, and he blended it magically with classic Russian ballet.

Long Before Russia, the U.S. Bombed a Civilian Population
leveling a cityAmericans share the world’s revulsion when Russia fires on civilians in Ukraine, but at the end of World War II we did the same to the Japanese.

Chuck Klosterman Unpacks the ’90s and Turns Up Some Gems
DECADE IN BETWEENAfter the Cold War and before 9/11, things got almost boring, but cultural critic Klosterman’s latest book shows us that we missed a lot of clues to the future.