Paul Begala is a Newsweek/Daily Beast columnist, a CNN contributor, an affiliated professor of public policy at Georgetown, and a senior adviser to Priorities USA Action, a progressive PAC.

Stop Calling Obama Aloof!
The Obama ScandalsThe president’s critics say he’s too detached. Paul Begala explores this ridiculous line of reasoning.

A Very Different President
New Term, New Attitude<p>The Obama we saw yesterday is simply not the same politician who governed for the past four years. He’s a better one, says <i>Paul Begala</i>.</p>

What Obama Should Say on Monday
NEW ADDRESS<p>Crafting an inaugural address in an age of cheap partisanship is no easy task. <i>Paul Begala</i> on how the president can rise to the challenge.</p>

Five Stages of GOP Grief
IT’S OVERLosing sucks—and healing is hard. Paul Begala offers advice to hurting Republicans.

Why Bill’s Still Got the Magic
Bubba's SparkBill Clinton keeps knocking it out of the park. Paul Begala on how he does it.

Romney’s Epic Fail
It was the most important and difficult sales pitch of Mitt Romney’s life. And he blew it.

The Plutocrat Ticket
The choice of Paul Ryan for veep shows that Romney’s decided to go nuclear in the class war.

No One Likes a Whiny Billionaire: The Koch Brothers Take on Zach Galifianakis
The Koch brothers should learn to take a joke. Attacking comedian Zach Galifianakis is a no-win proposition for the GOP sugar daddies, says Paul Begala.

Texas’s Tea Party Revolution
Too LiberalTed Cruz’s Senate victory sends a message to the GOP establishment. By Paul Begala.

Bush’s Very Bad Advice
FOOL ME TWICEDubya has some thoughts on the economy. Too bad America would be better off without them.