Paula Szuchman is a former managing editor of The Daily Beast. She was previously a front-page editor at The Wall Street Journal, and is the author of It's Not You, It's the Dishes. Follow her on Twitter @paulaszuchman.

Sons of Anarchy’s Charming Schlock
Love & SAMCROIs it possible to follow up a school shooting episode with lines from Sonnet 116? You’re damn right it is.

That Episode Was Bloody Awesome
SAMCRO<p>No one’s given up on <i>Game of Thrones</i>, so why take offense with the violence in the season premiere of <em>Sons of Anarchy</em>?<i> </i>Come on, writes Paula Szuchman, if you're a fan, you know what happens when bad guys get their hands on guns. (Warning: spoilers abound.)</p>

The Promise of ‘Smart Power’
Live UpdateWhat have we learned after more than a decade of war in Iraq and Afghanistan? That guns and drones will never be enough to save a country. Ideas from the Hero Summit for rebuilding the world.

Hurricane Sandy’s ‘War Zone’
EpicenterOn Staten Island, Paula Szuchman talks to the families of the dead—and to the survivors begging for help.

Nightmare on Coney Island
Freak ShowNew York’s iconic neighborhood is a disaster zone, as shattered residents try to pick up the pieces—while fighting off looters. Paula Szuchman reports from Sandy’s wake.

So You Think You Know Your Nanny
Gut CheckDo you know her address or her husband’s name? Does it even matter? Paula Szuchman takes a survey.

The Nobel Winner’s Guide to Love
I <3 UWhat economists can teach you about marriage, sex, and romantic tacos. By Paula Szuchman.

‘He Pointed the Gun at My Face’
COLORADO SURVIVORA survivor of the massacre describes the terrifying scene inside the Colorado theater for Paula Szuchman.

Married … With Angst
I Don’t<p>In her book, <i><a target="_blank" href="">It’s Not You, It’s the Dishes</a></i>, Daily Beast editor Paula Szuchman argues that economics can save your marriage. Below she describes beating your spouse at the game of chicken.</p>

Spousonomics: How Economics Can Help Figure Out Your Marriage
The more it costs to have sex, the less sex you have, say Paula Szuchman and Jenny Anderson. Three lessons in how to make every year the Year of the Rabbit.