Peter Beinart, is the editor of and writes about domestic politics and foreign policy at The Daily Beast. He is also an associate professor of journalism and political science at CUNY and author of The Crisis of Zionism.

They Broke America’s Deadlock
Odd CouplePope Francis and Edward Snowden’s bold challenges in 2013 finally gave Democrats and Republicans some common ground.

Where’s the Anti-War Left on Iran?
Missing in ActionDemocratic senators joined Ted Cruz to put new sanctions on Iran last week. Liberals should make them pay.

Academics Say No To Israel
Gone Too FarIt’s OK for the American Studies Association to judge the country with a double standard. Denying the legitimacy of a democratic Jewish state is another story.

Why We Ignore the Chinese Threat
TerrifyingWhat if China and the U.S. were a hair’s-breadth away from war—and Americans didn’t notice? Why pundits on both sides of the aisle are ignoring the scary reality.

Mandela First Demanded Justice
Real ReconciliationWhy, in the days since the South African leader’s death, has the American media been so obsessed with his capacity for forgiveness? Instead let’s remember his insistence on truth first.

Mandela: Honored Now, Hated Then
RememberIf we turn the late South African leader into a nonthreatening moral icon, we’ll forget a key lesson from his life: America isn’t always a force for freedom.

Yes, TNR, There Really is an American Jewish Cocoon
Critical Response
More Sanctions Won’t Help
When it comes to curbing Iran’s nuclear program, hawks seem to think harsher penalties will do the trick. Here’s why they’re wrong.

Iran Deal Was No Surrender
It’s Not ’38U.S. and Israeli hawks are rushing to call the interim nuclear agreement a capitulation and Obama another Chamberlain. It’s another sign the doomsayers don’t know their history.

The Cheney ‘Compassion’ Trap
What’s in a WordMary Cheney’s straight family members keep talking about ‘compassion’—a word that sounds nice but is typically used by the right to convey pity for the morally diseased.