What Happens to Kids Without Obamacare?
SICKEven if parents have insurance, they might still be caught short.

Fact-Checking Trump On ‘Face the Nation’
ALTERNATIVE FACTTrump insisted that the latest revision of his health care bill would guarantee coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, discussed his feelings toward North Korea's recent missile test and reaffirmed his effort to work with China.

Fact Check: Did Dems Vote For the Wall?
FACT CHECKThe Secure Fence Act of 2006 isn’t exactly what it might seem.

Did Obama Get Filibustered the Most?
True or False?In the wake of Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court confirmation, Democrats are claiming that Senate Republicans blocked more of Obama judicial nominees than ‘the whole history’ of the Senate.

Syria Airstrikes: Constitutional or Not?
FACT CHECKWhether it was constitutional for Trump to carry out airstrikes in Syria without congressional approval is not an easy question to answer.

Trump Is Wrong on Germany and NATO
True or False?The president says Germany ‘owes vast sums of money to NATO’ and that the U.S. ‘must be paid more’ for the ‘defense it provides to Germany.’ Both claims are false.

Fact-Checking GOP on Health Care
PinocchioRepublican leaders took to the airwaves on Sunday to push back on criticism of their reform efforts. But did they stick to the facts?

Media Made Obama Wiretap Claims? Nope.
FACT-CHECKA White House spox said that multiple news outlets had reported that Barack Obama wiretapped phones at Trump Tower. This is false.

Fact-Checking Tom Perez’s Overtime Claim
OT KO?The new head of the DNC claimed on ‘Meet the Press’ that the president wants to ‘eliminate’ overtime pay.

POTUS Fact Check: Sweden Is Doing Fine
True Or FalsePresident Trump's comments about "last night in Sweden" left actual Swedes scratching their heads.