Rachel Hills writes about gender, culture, and the politics of everyday life for various magazines, newspapers and websites, including her own, Musings of an Inappropriate Woman. She is the author of The Sex Myth, a book about contemporary sex, power and identity, forthcoming from Simon & Schuster.

Laurie Penny’s In-Your-Face Feminism
Re-BrandingRiding a new wave of feminism driven by an unlikely mix of commerce and online discourse, the British feminist doesn’t give a damn if you like her politics. She does want to make you think.
Rachel Hills | Published Sep 18, 2014

Basics Beware: We’re All Girl Bosses Now
Girl PowerTwentysomething women have turned the boss into an icon, the ultimate position to have dreams and then make them happen. But in doing so, are they selling themselves short?
Rachel Hills | Published Aug 28, 2014