Randall Lane, former editor-at-large at Newsweek and The Daily Beast, is editor of Forbes. He is the author of The Zeroes: My Misadventures in the Decade Wall Street Went Insane.

Mideast’s Changing View of America
Did a post-9/11 State Department initiative to improve America’s image succeed? Randall Lane takes a look.

Egypt’s Simmering Rage
Exclusive SurveyAn exclusive Newsweek/Daily Beast poll of Egyptian voters portends trouble for the West.

How Donald Trump Trashed His Brand
Exclusive data reveal that while The Donald garnered $260 million in free publicity during his six-week presidential fling, most of it was negative. Randall Lane on why that hurts Trump, Inc.

Raj Rajaratnam and Wall Street's Thieving Majority
Most traders would steal if it were a sure thing, according to a blockbuster survey. That's why the conviction of hedge fund billionaire Raj Rajaratnam sends a key message about a fair system and free markets, writes Randall Lane.

Charlie Sheen's Crazy New BFF
The surest sign of the star's implosion: he's become best friends with baseball has-been Lenny Dykstra. Randall Lane details how Sheen chose the only buddy more dysfunctional than he is.

Rachael Ray vs. the Food World
The talk show host and cookbook queen takes on stuffy foodies Thursday with her Burger Bash. Randall Lane talks with Ray about her non-training, job insecurities—and why Martha never calls.

AOL Buys Huffington Post: Arianna Cashes Out
The Internet company is paying $315 million for The Huffington Post, $300 million of it in cash, and Arianna Huffington will become editor in chief of all of AOL's media properties Randall Lane on her vote of no-confidence.

3 Ways to Reinvent America
What will drive innovation in the next decade? The Daily Beast's Randall Lane brought together preeminent business thinkers John Kao, Paul Saffo, and Tim Brown for ideas—from "pro-sumers" to designing living organisms.

Obama's Poker Club Tells All
How did the president, a noted card player, get pegged as a pushover? Randall Lane talks with Obama's poker buddies about his habits at the table—and how the GOP exploited him.

Can the Internet Predict Elections?
Using online opinions to help predict results, The Daily Beast's Election Oracle nailed almost every major race last week. Randall Lane on whether this is the future of polling.