Rick Wilson is the author of Everything Trump Touches Dies: A Republican Strategist Gets Real About the Worst President Ever. He is a national Republican political strategist and media consultant based in Florida who has produced television for governors, U.S. Senate candidates, super PACS, and corporations. He’s on Twitter at @therickwilson.Send him tips: You can also use our anonymous document submission system, SecureDrop. Click here to find out how.

Trumpists, Here Are Your Terms of Surrender. Also, F*ck You.
CATACLYSMIC DEFEATThere’s no repairing the damage he’s done until you confess to the normalization and rationalizations that let him bring us to the edge of a conspiracy-driven insurrection.

The ‘Oh F*ck’ Moment Is Finally Here for Trump’s Enablers
AMERICA’S SADDAMHis mob wasn’t there to find evidence of fraud, or force legislators to listen to their grievances; they were there for the lulz. They were there because Trump had sent them.

Trump’s Axis of A**holes Just Completed Its GOP Takeover
MITCH & THE SEDITIOUS SEVENTEENHe lost the election, but his true believers, denying that defeat to the bitter end and already preparing to sabotage everything the Biden administration does, are the party now.

We Won’t Forget or Forgive What Trumpists Did to America
OVERDUE PENALTIESIt’s not enough to merely enjoy their agony and humiliation. It’s not enough to hope they’ll be shamed and correct their behavior. Have you not met these people?

Trump’s Final Hissy Fit Is Petty, Illegal and Stupid
WHITE HOUSE OF PAINJoe Biden will be the 46th president of the United States. We’re done. It’s all over but the weeping and rending of MAGA garments.

Whatever Trump Says, Reply ‘F*ck You, and Keep Counting’
MOMENT OF TRUTHTeam Biden should learn a lesson that Republican veterans of the 2000 recount know well: Never, ever, ever, ever, ever concede defeat until the last dog in the fight dies.

Trump’s Campaign Has Collapsed, and That Town Hall Proved It
SAD!Joe Biden was more presidential in 90 minutes than Donald Trump has been in four long years, let alone in his 60-minute flop-sweat attempt at counter-programming.

The ‘F*ck Your Feelings’ Crowd Wants a Pity Party for Trump
HARD PASSPresident Superspreader and those closest to him are feeling the pain of his reckless, moronic decisions.

You Can Bet Trump’s Debate Prep Was a Total Sh*tshow
FEVER DREAMYou didn’t think this president was going to prepare like a grown-ass adult, did you? From the family to the Vichy staff, here are three more likely scenarios.

Trump Fed Himself This Sh*t Sandwich
KILLER CLOWN SHOWThis wasn’t a president trying to calmly lead the nation through crisis; this was Trump simply not giving a f--k.