Robert Maguire is the political nonprofit investigator at the Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that tracks money in politics. He started the Center’s political nonprofit tracking project, which has uncovered more than $760 million going to politically active nonprofit organizations since 2008.

Dems Get In on GOP’s Dark Money
They All Do ItLiberals decry dark money when conservatives are spending it. But when it’s helping progressive candidates, apparently it’s all right.

Fake Charities Will Pick Our Next Prez
NIGHTFALLThe rise of dark money groups that support only one candidate means that we may not know who funded the ’16 candidates until the election is long over.

Election 2014 Is Drowning in Dark Money
UNDISCLOSEDSo-called educational groups like the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity are spending more money than ever before—and don’t have to disclose their donors.

2014: Our Darkest Election
Secret DonorsThe 2012 election shattered records for dark money—and those records are already falling. How voters are losing out in the flood of cash from groups that don’t disclose their donors.

Political Operatives Hit Jackpot
$$$‘Dark money’ nonprofits are pouring cash into the midterm elections. But it’s become nearly impossible to follow the money—though it appears to be making consultants rich.

Rove’s Shadowy Games
When it comes to dark money groups, what really separates Crossroads GPS from its liberal counterparts is tens of millions of dollars in FEC-reported political spending, writes Robert Maguire of the Center for Responsive Politics.

Money Talks, and Politicians Listen
Citizens UnitedWithout controls to stem the influence of wealthy donors, expect money to talk very loudly, writes Robert Maguire of the Center for Responsive Politics.