Ron Capshaw's work has appeared in National Review, The Weekly Standard, Human Events, and The Washington Times.

Sputnik Ignited Fears That the US Would Be Zapped From Space
INVADERWhen the Soviet Union launched its first satellite in 1957, a wave of fear swept across the US, where the public became convinced it was powerless against annihilation from space.

Did Errol Flynn’s Nazi Pal Convert Him?
DARK STARThe swashbuckling actor called Nazi Hermann Erben ‘the greatest influence on my life,’ but did that mean that Flynn, too, was a Nazi? The rumors refuse to die.

Hey Kids, How Cool Is Communism?
Well RedA Berlin-based author and MIT have published a kid's book making the case for Communism using fairy tales—minus all the mass murder, of course.

A Hardboiled Snub for J. Edgar Hoover
Tough GuyThe long-time head of the FBI take not take insults well, and most people were too intimidated to try. But the creator of Philip Marlowe was made of tougher stuff.