Rosalie is a Bay Area based software engineer and freelance writer. Her work has appeared in TIME, The Huffington Post, VICE, Teen Vogue, Inverse and more.
Here’s One Way to Combat Climate Change: Suck Out CO2
CAPTURING CARBONCarbon capture was supposed to get rid of CO2 from the atmosphere. But a new method might be safer and better.
The Power of Light Therapy for College Students With SAD
BEAM ME UPOne university found that just two weeks of using light box therapy can significantly improve the lives of students struggling with seasonal affective disorder.
How NASA’s Search for Aliens Helped Detect Breast Cancer
Space HeroThe agency’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory can find the tiniest microorganisms—something that turned out handy for breast-cancer researchers.
2000-Liter ‘Mini Ecosystems’ Prophesy the Ocean’s Future
The Mesocosm That CouldFor one thing: Sharks might become... gentler?
Gold-Dipped Spider Silk Will Revolutionize Hearing Aids
can you hear me now?A scientist was inspired while watching a spider spin its web—and noticing the wind couldn’t knock it down.