Rose Eveleth is a writer, producer, and designer based in Brooklyn, New York. She's dabbled in everything from research on pelagic invertebrates to animations about beer to podcasts about fake tumbleweed farms. Rose is also a writer and editor at LadyBits.

Algorithms Will Train Your Dog
DOGGORITHMSI’ve spent countless hours training my dog to be well-adjusted and behaved. Could a robot have done it instead?

What if ‘The Onion’ Made Sex Toys?
ETERNAL SUNSHINEObject Solutions is a dark, satirical take on the world of product development.

The Reality of 3D Printed Robo-Hands
BREAKTHROUGH OR JUST BROKEN?3D printed prosthetics seems like a miracle solution to a costly problem, but some of the claims of safety and cost are exaggerated.

DARPA’s Better Version of Google Glass
IRL SCI-FIThe ARC4 augmented reality system is finally ready to move from the military to the marketplace. But what does it take for a piece of software designed for soldiers to make the transition to everyday life?

Dancing With the (Fembot) Stars
Boogie ShoesOlympian Amy Purdy might win this season of ‘Dancing With the Stars,’ and she’s a double amputee. The technology that keeps her twirling and dipping is nothing short of incredible.