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SallyKohn is a CNN political commentator, activist and the author of The Opposite of Hate: A FieldGuide to Repairing Our Humanity (Algonquin Books;April 10, 2018). She is also the host of the State of Resistance podcast. You can find her at



Emergency Time: A Desperate Act of a Desperate Man


The president’s base will think this is a strong move. But it’s the opposite, as time will almost surely reveal.

Sally Kohn | Published Feb 14, 2019

Why the Hell Are We Locking Up Migrant Kids at All?


There is no jail humane enough to hold these children.

Sally Kohn | Published Dec 27, 2018

Sorry Trumpers, ‘Implicit Bias’ Is Very Real


Few Americans admit to being racist or prejudiced, and yet all of us are shaped by the often buried but intractable prejudices that affect how we see and think of others.

Sally Kohn | Published Apr 06, 2018

Time for Dems to Get Over Their White Working-Class Fixation

New Day

It’s time for the patterns and practices of the Democratic Party—the candidates we put forth and the voters we pursue—to change.

Sally Kohn | Published Dec 14, 2017

Why the Hell Are We Still Debating Birth Control—in 2017?

That’s Progress?

They say it’s about religious liberty; but really, they just don’t want women to have control over their bodies and destinies. Let’s talk real talk.

Sally Kohn | Published Jun 04, 2017

Democrats Still Have a Reason to Hope


Trump's vision for America at the RNC was dark and dangerous—but in Philly, we want to believe that sunnier days lie ahead.

Sally Kohn | Published Jul 24, 2016

A Tale of Two Judges in Trump’s America

Compare And Contrast

One can’t be trusted because he’s ‘Mexican.’ The other won’t succumb to political correctness and punish a nice young white man just because he raped a woman.

Sally Kohn | Published Jun 07, 2016

If Trump Was a Woman...


It’s unimaginable that a woman could run on such a flimsy set of ‘ideas’ as Trump has offered.

Sally Kohn | Published May 01, 2016

I Endorsed Bernie and They Booed Me


I’m no pragmatic centrist, but on 90 percent of the issues, Sanders and Clinton are on the same page.

Sally Kohn | Published Apr 18, 2016

Progressives Should Applaud Garland Pick

SCOTUS Jujitsu

Obama finds a way to expose Republicans, and clear a path for a President Clinton or President Sanders to walk down.

Sally Kohn | Published Mar 17, 2016