Sam Bungey is a contributor to This American Life, The Sydney Morning Herald and other publications. He edits the online magazine The Racket.
Aussie P.M. Escapes Protest
Julia Gillard flees public outcry, taking her political opponent with her, reports Sam Bungey
Murdoch’s Lawyers Turn on Him
First came the ex-staff lawyers, and now the London solicitors Harbottle & Lewis are firing back.
High-Tech Anti-Riot Gear
London CrackdownSam Bungey on the radical new tactics police are using to combat young looters.
See Ya, ‘World’
As News of the World's final edition flies off shelves, Sam Bungey reports from the streets of London.
Britain's Screwy Vote-Trading Scheme
Sam Bungey on the British foreign vote giveaway and whether it’s headed to America next.
The Man Behind WikiLeaks
Julian Assange, founder of the investigative Web site WikiLeaks, is the force behind a new viral video showing U.S. soldiers shooting journalists in Iraq. Sam Bungey interviews the man U.S. intelligence regards as a potential security threat.
Waiting for Obama
The president was supposed to be touching down in Australia Sunday night. Sam Bungey on how the land down under is coping with the snub.
The Right's Climate Catastrophe
Across the globe, conservatives who have gone green are under fire for their carbon-cutting zeal. Sam Bungey on David Cameron’s comeuppance, Monsieur Taxe’s troubles, and Australia’s denier coup.
A Vacation From the Public Eye
The Obamas' trip to Martha's Vineyard this week will be a press-shy affair—nothing like the Clintons' was, when even the Lewinsky scandal couldn't keep Bill from mugging for the press.
The Obamas' New Digs
The Daily Beast has learned where the first family will stay this summer: Blue Heron Farm, a lavish $20 million-compound on Martha's Vineyard—paying market rent.