Sarah Betancourt is a Boston-based reporter, focused on the immigration and public policy beats. She is a former fellow at the Stabile Center for Investigative Journalism at Columbia University. Follow her @sweetadelinevt.
Khizr Khan: ‘Bigoted’ Trump ‘Creates Room for Terrorists’
SPEAKING OUTThe attorney says ‘presidents come and go,’ but this one is endangering national security.
Sarah Betancourt | Published May 16, 2017
750 Immigrants Hunger Strike Against ICE
JUSTICEA massive hunger strike in Washington State shows a resistance against the Trump administration's immigration policies.
Sarah Betancourt | Published Apr 14, 2017
Comey: Encryption Is Outrunning FBI
NO. 1 G-MANThe nation’s top cop says almost half of the devices his men and women tried to search were impregnable thanks to apps like Signal and Wickr.
Sarah Betancourt | Published Mar 08, 2017
Dreamer: ICE Threatened to Kick Me Out
CLOSE CALLAn immigrant with no criminal record protected by an Obama order said the feds wanted to put him on a flight to Honduras. He’s free for now.
Sarah Betancourt | Published Feb 17, 2017