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Shane Harris is a former Sr. Intelligence and National Security Correspondent for The Daily Beast and an ASU Future of War Fellow at the New America Foundation. He is the author of two books: @War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex, and The Watchers: The Rise of America’s Surveillance State, which won the New York Public Library’s Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism. Prior to joining The Daily Beast, Shane was a senior writer at Foreign Policy magazine. He has also written for Washingtonian Magazine, the National Journal and Government Executive Magazine. Shane is the 2010 winner of the Gerald R. Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting on National Defense. He has been a finalist four times for the Livingston Awards for Young Journalists, which honor the best reporters in America under 35. He graduated from Wake Forest University with a B.A. in Politics in 1998.


Did NSA Chief Go Soft on Hacking ISIS?


Adm. Michael Rogers’s bosses wanted him to go harder on ISIS. His employees wanted him to take it easier. And that was before the meeting with Trump.

Nancy A. Youssef, Shane Harris | Published Nov 25, 2016

‘Zero Evidence’ of Election Hacking


Democrats rejoiced when computer scientists reportedly pressed Clinton to ask for recounts. But even those experts say a hack is beyond unlikely.

Shane Harris | Published Nov 23, 2016

Trump Ally Calls Top Spies ‘Snakes’


A movement is underfoot to remove the director of the NSA, and it’s unclear whether it’s because of allegations of incompetence or cozying up to Trump.

Shane Harris | Published Nov 19, 2016

‘The Tea Party Now Controls the Drones’

Locked & Loaded

He blamed Hillary for Benghazi and called for Snowden’s death. In a Trump Cabinet, that probably makes Rep. Mike Pompeo something of a moderate pick.

Shane Harris | Published Nov 18, 2016

Dems Launch 1st Strike on Trump Top Gun

Loose Cannon?

Donald Trump may see him as the next White House national security adviser. But leading lawmakers are blasting Michael Flynn as an ‘impulsive,’ deeply conflicted choice.

Kimberly Dozier, Shane Harris | Published Nov 17, 2016

Is Trump Playing Into Terrorists’ Hands?

Turn Away

Washington spent years working with American Muslim communities to counter terrorist recruiting. Now officials worry all that work is about to be undone.

Nancy A. Youssef, Shane Harris | Published Nov 15, 2016

Pentagon Waits for Team Trump to Show Up

Anyone There?

‘Hundreds of people’ may be starting to apply for security jobs in a Trump administration. But so far, the Pentagon transition team to vet those résumés is nowhere to be found.

Kimberly Dozier, Nancy A. Youssef, Shane Harris | Published Nov 10, 2016

Trump Can’t Fill National-Security Jobs


Turned down by top talent, Trump’s administration-in-waiting is trying to find someone to operate the agencies tasked with stopping hackers and terrorists.

Kimberly Dozier, Shane Harris | Published Nov 09, 2016

All 50 States Ask Feds to Stop Hackers

Red Alert

With alarm mounting over possible voting disruptions, every state has sought federal help with computer security. From abstentions to rumors, what to watch out for Tuesday.

Shane Harris | Published Nov 08, 2016

Clinton Cleared. Comey, Not So Much.


Nine days after crushing Hillary’s momentum, the FBI director declares that she’s no crook. But the drama is, in many ways, only getting started.

Andrew Desiderio, Shane Harris | Published Nov 06, 2016