Tanya Basu is the former senior editor in science at The Daily Beast.Send her tips: or You can also use our anonymous document submission system, SecureDrop. Click here to find out how.

How to Give Virtual Reality All the Feels
FUTURISTICImagine if your friendly robot was actually able to smile, smirk, or cry. That day may be closer than you think.

Can CBD Help Opioid Addicts Kick the Habit?
THE WONDERS OF WEEDA double-blind, placebo-controlled study shows promise for using the CBD drug Epidiolex to reduce cravings in former heroin users.

Scientists Figured Out How to Make a Better Antibiotic
BUZZWhat if our immune system never got resistant to antibiotics?

How Subsea Robots Will Explore Earthâs Final Frontier
UNDER THE SEAâOur goal is to have a complete map of the worldâs oceans by 2030.â

These Magnetic Microbots Will Scrub Your Teeth Clean
TOOTHSOMEâThey can be swarmed to work like a Roomba, you can program them to move in specific movements and locomotion to create scrubbing.â

Your Glitter Obsession Is Killing the Environment
SAFE SPARKLESGlitter, like all microplastics, is disastrous for the environment. What if there was a greener way to glow?

A Toilet That Vaporizes Your Poo
SANITATION SOLUTIONSThe Gates Foundation is working on new types of sanitation systems for parts of the world that canât afford modern upgradesâincluding a toilet that zaps waste right at home.

When You Eat This Mini Robot, It Crawls Around Your Organs
NOM NOM NOMThis cool little robot will help doctors see the inside of your guts.

Robot Apple Pickers Could Change Farming as We Know It
HANDS OF STEELâWe are steadily getting closer to making these robots commercially successful.â

Why Killer Women Steal Fetuses
âREALLY EVILâThere have been 45 fetal abductions in recent decades, and an expert on such cases says the one thing they have in common is not what youâd think.