Tara McKelvey, a 2011 Guggenheim fellow, is a correspondent for Newsweek and The Daily Beast. She is also a frequent contributor to The New York Times Book Review and the author of Monstering: Inside America’s Policy of Secret Interrogations and Torture in the Terror War (Basic Books).

Ambassador of Death
Cameron Munter talks about his battle with the CIA over drones. Tara McKelvey reports.

Obama’s Challenge in Egypt
DiplomacyMichael Posner is the president’s point man on democracy: no wonder he looks exhausted.

Qaeda Leak Boosts CIA Myth
DaringThe unusual disclosures about the thwarted plot suggest the CIA has reach and may throw terrorists off balance, says Tara McKelvey.

Secret Service Scandal Deepens
Three agents have lost their jobs, and two investigations are underway. Tara McKelvey on the fallout.

Defender of the Drones
Secret WeaponThe man who once called President Bush the "torturer in chief" has become a fierce defender of aerial drone strikes.

Fears Over ‘Shadow CIA’ Leaks
Spies are exercising even more caution after WikiLeaks published Stratfor emails, reports Tara McKelvey.

Can the U.S. Save Syria?
InterventionAmerican officials are struggling over how to answer Syrians’ calls for aid.

Secret Bush-Era Link to Pyongyang
Communicating with North Korea has never been easy, as Aram Roston and Tara McKelvey report.

Inside the Pentagon Downsizing
The leaner military the president’s proposing means fewer troops and more Predator drones.

Secret Taliban Talks in Qatar
American officials are conducting secret talks with insurgents on Guantánamo prisoners’ possible release.