Thaddeus Russell is the author of the forthcoming A Renegade History of the United States (Free Press/Simon & Schuster, 2010). He teaches history and cultural studies at Occidental College and has taught at Columbia University, Barnard College, Eugene Lang College, and the New School for Social Research.

Does Obama Embody the Best of MLK?
In an excerpt from his new book, A Renegade History of the United States, historian Thaddeus Russell argues that Martin Luther King, Jr.'s controversial push for African Americans to embrace white, Protestant values has spawned President Obama—and his derogatory views of some fellow blacks.

Does Israel Make Us Safer?
As Obama and Netanyahu await tomorrow's meeting, historian Thaddeus Russell argues that it's time to ask that question—even if the answer makes everyone very uncomfortable.

Glee: In Praise of Stereotypes
Yes, the show revels in stereotypes, particularly in the gay character, Kurt. But, Thaddeus Russell says, unabashed queens have transformed life for everyone, straight and gay.

The Queering of Ryan Seacrest
The American Idol host—whose recent erratic behavior on the air has prompted chatter—has for years alternated between receiving and delivering homophobic, gay-baiting attacks. Thaddeus Russell on the Seacrest persona.

Undercover Boss' Creepy Politics
The new touchy-feely CBS reality show, on which top corporate managers experience the lowest rungs of their companies, is paternalistic and Orwellian—a fantasy for the Obama age.

Blame the Smug Climate Warriors
As climate-change activists mourn the hollow deal in Copenhagen, maybe they should look in the mirror. Thaddeus Russell on how their self-righteous, morally superior tone poisons the debate.

The Nobel War Prize
Obama didn’t apologize for being a wartime president receiving a peace prize in Oslo—he laid the groundwork for battle, and outdid Bush in arguing for American supremacy.

Is Sandra Bullock's New Movie Racist?
The African-American teen character in the hit movie The Blind Side is loyal, polite, sexless, and surrounded by white people who love him—it's a miracle of the Obama age.

Is Ultimate Fighting Gay?
The head of the Ultimate Fighting Championship recently became the first head of a major sports league to welcome gay athletes. Thaddeus Russell on the mixed martial arts’ homoerotic appeal.

Why Liberals Kill
The left may be pressuring President Obama to exit Afghanistan. But their heroes—from FDR to JFK—promoted U.S. involvement in more wars than all modern GOP presidents combined.