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Thane Rosenbaum, a novelist, essayist and Distinguished Fellow at New York University School of Law, is the director of the Forum on Law, Culture & Society, and the author, most recently, of the novel, How Sweet It Is!, and the forthcoming, The High Cost of Free Speech: Rethinking the First Amendment.



Trump’s All-American Lack of Apology

Hit Back

He knows most Americans believe that apologizing is for wimps.

Thane Rosenbaum | Published Apr 10, 2016

Numbers Don’t Tell the Mideast Story


Talk of equivalencies in death tolls or ideas of vengeance are misapplied in the Israel-Hamas fight, where the two sides play by very different rules.

Thane Rosenbaum | Published Jul 10, 2014

Israel Teen Murders: No Moral Equivalent


The murder of three Israeli teenagers has reignited debates about guilt, justice, and retribution in the Middle East. But the Palestinians have more to answer for.

Thane Rosenbaum | Published Jul 01, 2014

Fascism Is Fashionable Again in Europe

Weimar Moment

Reactionary conservative candidates did alarmingly well in recent elections for the European Parliament. Is this a passing phase or a portent of something more serious?

Thane Rosenbaum | Published Jun 08, 2014

Passover Hell Week

Past As Prologue

The events in Ukraine and Kansas City that occurred around Passover week offer tragic reminders of the heritage of Jewish oppression.

Thane Rosenbaum | Published Apr 22, 2014

Should Neo-Nazis Speak Freely?

Loud and Clear

New studies show that hateful speech can cause emotional harm. Is it time for the United States to follow other democracies and limit what Neo-Nazis and other haters say?

Thane Rosenbaum | Published Jan 30, 2014

Still Killing Time

Legal Files

America’s favorite legal thriller writer is back with a sequel, “Sycamore Row,” to the book that made his name—which is making its Broadway debut. John Grisham talks courthouse morals with Thane Rosenbaum.

Thane Rosenbaum | Published Oct 24, 2013

Our Right to Revenge

Unfinished Business

<p>Why are we so confused about the difference between revenge and justice? Why can’t we just admit that revenge is a moral right? Thane Rosenbaum, author of <em><a href="" target="_blank">Payback</a></em>, on America’s right to revenge after the Boston Marathon attacks.<br> </p>

Thane Rosenbaum | Published May 06, 2013

Is Israel Immoral to Retaliate?

Rules of War

The lopsided casualty rate presents Israel with an impossible moral dilemma, argues Thane Rosenbaum.

Thane Rosenbaum | Published Nov 24, 2012

Should We Boycott Apple?

<p>Shareholders and aficionados face a moral dilemma: revel in the company’s stock price and cozy up to Siri, or confront the grim workplace conditions at the tech giant's suppliers. Plus read <a href="/content/dailybeast/articles/2012/01/27/investigations-reveal-long-trail-of-abuses-at-apple-suppliers.html" target="_blank">Matt DeLuca on the long trail of abuses by Apple</a> and <a href="/content/dailybeast/articles/2012/01/26/18-people-who-are-boycotting-apple-over-harsh-factory-conditions-in-china.html" target="_blank">Brian Ries on people who have said 'iQuit!</a>'<br> </p>

Thane Rosenbaum | Published Jan 27, 2012