Wayne Barrett is an investigative reporter who covered New York politics at the Village Voice for nearly 40 years and now writes frequently for The New York Daily News. He's the author of Trump: The Deals & The Downfall (1992, republished in 2016 as Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth) and Rudy! An Investigative Biography (2000) and the co-author with Dan Colins of Grand Illusion (2006), an examination of Giuliani and 9/11.

Big Trump Backers Paying Rudy Firms, Too
COMPLIANCE SERVICESRobert and Rebekah Mercer’s operation has also been sending money to the operations of the former NYC mayor turned huge Trump supporter.

Meet Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
‘Integrity Questioned’Trump supporters with strong ties to the agency kept talking about surprises and leaks to come—and come they did.

Mitt’s Polluter Past?
Michigan MessThe native Michigander trumpets his affection for the Great Lakes and their natural beauty, but his work for some of the lakes’ biggest polluters tells another story. Wayne Barrett reports.

Romney On The Dairy Farm: Prefers 1%?
CAMPAIGNINGIn front of federally subsidized cows, Romney reiterated his opposition to big-government spending. Wayne Barrett speaks to the cows’ owners, who say they dislike Obama even while they take government money.

Mitt’s Salt Lake Shadows, Part II
OLYMPIC CORRUPTION<p>In 2003, David Simmons pleaded guilty on federal tax charges related to the Olympic bribery scandal, but that hasn't stopped Mitt Romney from taking his money, reports Wayne Barrett. Plus, <a href="/content/dailybeast/articles/2012/05/11/biographer-recounts-romney-s-many-trips-to-mormon-church-to-discuss-social-issues.html">more on Mitt's trips to the Mormon Church to discuss same-sex marriage</a>.</p>

He’s No Jack Kennedy!
MAN OF GODMitt Romney frequently met with church brass in Salt Lake City over contentious social issues such as same-sex marriage, writes Wayne Barrett.

Working Women: What First Ladies Did First
FLOTUSIf her husband is elected, Ann Romney would be the only First Lady born in the last century not to hold a job, Wayne Barrett reports.

Mitt’s Salt Lake Shadows
Wayne Barrett digs into Mitt Romney’s relationship to some of the central figures in the Salt Lake Olympics scandal.

Did Clear Channel Muzzle Romney?
Did Clear Channel’s campaign contributions influence Romney’s reticence on Limbaugh’s Fluke attack?

Newt and the Neocons
Old SchoolWayne Barrett explores Gingrich’s deep ties to the architects of the Iraq war now targeting Iran.