William Mersey is a writer and blogger who's been published in the New York Times, the New York Daily News and New York Magazine, as well as Gallery, Oui, and Screw Magazines. From January 3 to November 18 of 2019, Mersey was imprisoned in the Metropolitan Correction Center for tax fraud, where he spent a significant amount of time in the company of Paul Manafort and Jeffrey Epstein. Read more of his thoughts on prison life, the BOP, and MCC specifically here.

SAG Can’t Play the Victim When It Treats Extras So Badly
NO ENTRYWhile SAG-AFTRA advocates for its members’ rights, it should consider how unfairly it—and productions—treat extras who are shut out of joining SAG in the first place.

It’s Too Easy for Abusive Prison Guards to Keep Their Jobs
FOXES GUARDING THE HEN HOUSETwo new scandals have rocked the already beleaguered Federal Bureau of Prisons. Corrupt and predatory officers are a big part of the problem.

Diehard Trump Lackey Is in for a Strange Trip Behind Bars
STILL RENT-FREEThe former CFO of the Trump Organization will have to hope the increasingly deadly jail keeps him good and isolated.

‘Political Prisoner’ Paul Manafort Was a Sh*tty Cellmate
THE HONEYMOON IS OVERTrump’s guy is back talking with his old pal Sean Hannity and promoting a new book about how his shit doesn’t stink. But his farts sure did, writes his former cellmate.

I Saw Firsthand Why Jeffrey Epstein Killed Himself
LIFESTYLES OF THE RICH AND INFAMOUSI’d suffered through the flatulence and lumberjack snoring of cellmate Paul Manafort before I ended up spending many hours alone with Jeffrey Epstein as his inmate companion.

They’re Closing the Jail Where I Met Epstein—It’s About Time
A HUMAN WAREHOUSEIt was a shithole of the first order and an embarrassment to both the United States of America and the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

At Epstein’s Jail and Ghislaine’s, Everything’s a Rat F*ck
‘RUN BY MORONS’Having spent time locked up with Epstein and Paul Manafort in Manhattan let me tell you: There’s a reason that a federal judge just said those jails are “run by morons.”

Cohen Isn’t the First Convict the Gov’t Tried to Silence
GAGGEDThat makes at least two convicts who the government didn't want talking to the media. I doubt that Cohen and I are alone in that distinction.

The Virus Has Come to a Place With No Escape
CLOSE QUARTERSGood luck keeping six feet away—or finding any hand sanitizer.

Harvey Weinstein Is in for a Rude Awakening at Rikers
THIS ISN’T THE RITZWhen he recovers from his panic attack, he’ll have plenty to worry about.