
Is Pietro Boselli ‘The Hottest Math Teacher in the World’?

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When Pietro Boselli isn’t instilling the finer points of math into his class of university students, he’s showcasing his ripped body as a model.

Pietro Boselli, the “hottest math teacher in the world,” was not responding to requests for interviews Monday, but neither was he retreating from the world.

Instead, the math lecturer was letting pictures do the talking, posting to Instagram a sexy, moody, black-and-white shot of his chiseled face and sculpted torso, labeled “London roof.”

The University College, London, teacher had quite the weekend, after a student’s Facebook posting about his math lecturer also being a top fashion model went viral, and Boselli’s face and abs became an international news story.

As it blew up, Boselli, 25, carried on letting Instagram be his mouthpiece.

One shot of Boselli showed him, shot from behind in shorts, clambering up a rockface, with the label “Aim high,” and then emerging from the sea, puzzlingly, though not unattractively, with a bicycle. “And never stop…” read that caption.

Another picture showed him, in a muscle-top and drinking from a coconut, saying he’s always too busy to drink coconut water when he’s at the gym (Surprise, surprise: He goes two or three times a day).

And then there’s the shot of him swimming underwater, a winter outdoor swim no less, which Boselli informs us, “boosts circulation, gets metabolism up to speed and strengthens immune system!”

The University College website has a page dedicated to promoting the hottest media stories its staff and researchers are engaged in.

On Monday, its “top story” was one from December 2014, about a “homing signal for the brain.” Then: “Baby pain can have later side effects,” “Online debate erupts to ask: Is science broken?” and “Are we ready for the next volcanic catastrophe?”

These are all big questions for sure, but on Monday they paled in comparison to an even bigger one consuming the feverish Internet: “Who’s the hottie math lecturer?”

The gyre of publicity around Boselli, listed on his LinkedIn page as a researcher at UCL in mechanical and industrial engineering, began when one of his students (math pun alert) put two and two together about the hunky teacher in the tight gray T-shirt, and found out he was a model. Student Arief Azli’s original Facebook posting was made in January 2014, but resurfaced this weekend, and was picked up by publications and websites all over the world.

“That moment when you realised your maths lecturer is one of the top designer model,” Azli wrote, with a group of hashtags: #OnlyatUCL #UCLengineering #MechanicalEngineers #ModellingandAnalysisClass #Bromance” Boselli is originally from Negrar, Italy. He is 6’1”, and appears to have both brains and looks: He has both a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, and was the “European Fitness Model Champion” in 2014.

According to the Daily Mail, he says that he would be involved in engineering, teaching math, and working out if he was not modeling.

Boselli’s agency, Models 1, said they had been “inundated, as you can imagine” with calls about their latest star client.

His showcase page shows him pouting and stretching in a variety of poses, abs never less than perfect, in shorts, trunks, and spattered with paint.

Ryan Frost, Boselli’s agent, told The Daily Beast: “It’s rather hectic on him, as you can imagine.” Frost said Boselli lives in London, and confirmed he was lecturing and a researcher at UCL while still modeling.

On his LinkedIn page, Boselli describes his duties thus: “Organizing and delivering lectures, tutorials, tests and final exam of mathematical modeling and analysis for second year undergraduates in the mechanical engineering course.”

The Daily Mail eported other of Boselli’s students posting pictures of Boselli online with captions like: “This is why I never miss a class.” Whatever else, Boselli’s lectures may be very well attended in the coming months. He could be the best PR news for mathematics in years.

Accompanying almost every picture of him are comments from people saying they wish they had him as their math teacher.

Or, as one person wrote beside this picture he posted in February in swimming trunks: “He teaches engineering I think… I might switch my major…”

Now the hunt is on for any math teachers hotter than Mr. Boselli.