Jimmy Carter said Monday night that he had voted for Sen. Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democratic primary over Hillary Clinton. The 39th president made the revelation during a talk with Sanders at the Carter Center in Georgia on Monday night, billed as “a conversation about human rights” between the two men. After Sanders discussed the high voter-participation rates in this weekend’s French presidential election—and how that level is essential for the U.S.—Carter quipped “Can y’all see why I voted for him?” In August 2016, Carter said he was going to vote for Clinton in the general election. “It’s been an exciting and unprecedented kind of campaign this year, and unfortunately, the way it’s turned out, both choices in the major parties are quite unpopular,” Carter said at the time. “But I don’t have any doubt that one of the candidates is better qualified than the other.” The Daily Beast has reached out to his spokesperson to clarify his remarks Monday night. (The full video can be viewed below and Carter’s comment came at around the 22-minute mark.)