Jimmy Kimmel Unloads on Aaron ‘Karen’ Rodgers for COVID Vaccine Lies


“The only thing worse than not getting vaccinated when you’re in close contact with other people is letting them think you’re vaccinated when you’re not,” the late-night host said.


Aaron Rodgers is currently quarantined with COVID-19 and Jimmy Kimmel did not express any sympathy Thursday night, taking the Green Bay Packers quarterback to task for refusing to get vaccinated.

“No one seems to know that he wasn’t vaccinated,” the late-night host explained. “He hasn’t been wearing a mask, even where it’s required, and at one point, he claimed he was ‘immunized,’ but looking back at when he said it, it should have been obvious that he was not.”

Kimmel then rewound the tape, adding comical air quotes to Rodger’s assertion that he had been “immunized.”

“We now know he is not vaccinated, because unvaccinated players who test positive have to isolate for 10 days,” he continued. “Had he been vaccinated, he would have had a chance to play this weekend.”

Noting that Rodgers reportedly received a “homeopathic treatment” instead of the vaccine over the summer, Kimmel joked that “we should have known” because “nothing says ‘I heal myself with crystals’ like the player’s top-knot haircut.

“Aaron is a Karen, that’s the fact of the matter,” the host declared. “Honestly, the only thing worse than not getting vaccinated when you’re in close contact with other people is letting them think you’re vaccinated when you’re not. It’s basically the COVID equivalent of ‘the condom fell off.’”

Earlier, Kimmel mocked Rodgers’ fellow anti-vaxxer athlete Kyrie Irving, who may get a chance to rejoin the Brooklyn Nets if New York’s new mayor Eric Adams relaxes the city’s vaccine mandate.

“I just hope he’s able to finish his research first,” he joked. “You know, he’s been doing his own research. What if he enjoys that so much he decides to become a researcher full time?”

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