Champ says he needs memory foam bedding to ease problems with his joints. Major thinks he may have dental problems. Both dogs say Joe Biden’s troubles with Donald Trump are far from over, but that their master is calm and focused enough to steer America forward.
The Biden White House has sprung its first leaks. But what can be done when the leakers are the president-elect’s beloved dogs, and they are communicating telepathically with a pet psychic in the English Midlands?
It began when British daytime TV show This Morning provided Beth Lee-Crowther with pictures of Biden’s two German shepherds, Champ and Major.
As a pet psychic who performs animal communication using telepathy and “mind-to-mind communication,” Crowther, from the county of Worcestershire, uses photographs, or can just be in the same room as an animal, in order to begin—she claims—speaking with it. With their pictures, she says she forged a close relationship with Biden’s dogs—and wow, did they ever dish about their owner, as well as a “ramping-up” of his troubles with the non-conceding President Trump, moving into the White House, their master’s calmness, and even Biden’s plans to govern.
“The very first thing I got was that they were both very excited about moving to the White House,” Lee-Crowther told The Daily Beast. “I had a real connection, I felt that excitement of theirs. They showed me that Joe Biden is very bonded to his dogs, and has a real connection to them. They kept showing me that although he has rescued one of the dogs, the dogs feel in many ways they have rescued him.”
Major, 2, was adopted through the Delaware Humane Association in 2018, and will be the White House’s first-ever rescue dog; Champ, 12, was bought from a breeder in 2008. Joe and Jill Biden proudly showed them off during the election campaign.
“The dogs describe Joe Biden to me as having a big personality,” Lee-Crowther said, “and they say to me that he’s a special man with great empathy for people and animals. They showed me that Joe cannot function without dogs in his life. He talks to them, they are a huge part of his life and who he is.
“They made me feel that he will make a great president. He loves to help people. They described him as being a big softy. He talks to them like they are people about his ideas, hopes for the future, if he is having a good day or a bad day, like how we would talk to a person about things. They showed me that he feels as if dogs do understand him. He also has a great sense of humor.”
Lee-Crowther says she does not want to offend anybody, and that she does these readings “for entertainment purposes only, and without prejudice. They are just my opinions.” But this kind of communication is also something she has felt able to do since she was a little girl; Major and Champ are merely her most famous animal “link-ups.”
The smirking and giggles in the This Morning segments she has done soon give way to sighs of wonder when she starts getting very specific things right about animals and their owners; members of the production team have sought her counsel off-camera. “A lot of people are fascinated by the accuracy of the information I am able to give about their pets, and also about themselves,” said Lee-Crowther. “Pets are very psychic—they not only know about themselves, but also their owners. They know about your past, what is going on in your present, and amazingly they also can see and make predictions for the future.”
Champ and Major did precisely that when they connected with Lee-Crowther, she said. The dogs told her that they were “treated like royalty. They said to me, ‘We have the best of everything. He (Joe Biden) treats us as equals,’” Lee-Crowther told The Daily Beast. “They showed me that they kept Joe Biden calm and focused. They said he would do tremendous things as president, particularly in bringing peace and unity to the world and that he has big plans.”
“He is also very open-minded. They said he will lead the USA in a very different way to what you have seen before. They believe that crime will be reduced under him, and that he will be anxious to talk to countries about peaceful resolutions to conflicts.”
However, the dogs also revealed to Lee-Crowther that Biden’s troubles with the sulky and petulant Trump will be ongoing. “They said to me that he’s going into a big battle with Trump. There’s more to come. The fight is by no means over. They said what has gone on up to now will continue and ramp up, and be worse than it is already, unfortunately. But they said that Joe would do his best to defuse the situation, and hold his head up high.”
Champ and Major also told Lee-Crowther that Trump would never be an animal lover because he lacked empathy for animals, which extended into his view of people. “They felt he would never love or own animals,” she said.
The dogs showed Lee-Crowther that throughout the bizarre post-election period, “Joe has kept very calm. He has a very different way of running things, they said. He knows he is doing the right thing, and that is why he’s able to keep level-headed. He has his own agenda. He will deal with whatever happens extremely well.”
These dogs really love their master, it seems; just have them deliver Biden’s White House press briefings.
Both dogs have big personalities, said Lee-Crowther. “Major is the more excitable one of the two, and is extremely eager to learn and fit in. He’s very loyal, loves life, and perhaps a little more mischievous. Champ is a really sensitive soul. He picks up if Joe or Jill is not feeling quite right or in a low mood. He’d be a great healer, very sensible, and a dog you could trust around other people. Of the two, he feels the more protective.”
Even though the dogs told Lee-Crowther they were excited to move into the White House, she said, “they feel wherever Joe and Jill Biden are they are happy. They showed me Jill has their best interests at heart. Joe and Jill are very strong together. The dogs showed me she is very good at making sense of things, and putting things over in a very logical way. It’s a very good, solid marriage. She leaves no stone unturned. She’s a very good homemaker. They love her very much. She does everything she can for them. They enrich her life, as much they enrich Joe’s.”
“They feel very loved,” Lee-Crowther said of the dogs. “Even though the White House is a huge building, they think their home will be cozy and comfortable and maybe just one or two rooms. They will be happy with that.” Once they get there, said Lee-Crowther, Champ and Major may psychically link up to other animals who have lived at the White House—although she has not asked them yet about this prospect.
Lee-Crowther said she was not a vet so could not make a prognosis or diagnosis, but she felt that Major had a weakness in his teeth. She feels that Champ may be suffering with “a little bit of arthritis or difficulty” in his hips, and has a sensitive stomach. “I asked Champ if there was anything that could help him, and he said he would be a good candidate for some hydrotherapy,” Lee-Crowther said. “And I know Champ would appreciate memory foam bedding to help ease his joints.”
“When I got older I realized people with animals did not have the same experiences as me.”
The warm and engaging Lee-Crowther, 51, knows what she does sounds “wacky,” and she knows some people may laugh or sneer at it, or dismiss it as fake or silly pantomime, but she claims that she is absolutely genuine. She is certainly down-to-earth, straight-talking and not boastful or grandstanding. She passionately loves animals, and her own pets (three dogs and a parrot); she communicates with them, and has to “switch off” when she goes for a walk or shopping, or it just becomes too much of a chat-a-thon with every animal that crosses her path.
When she was growing up, Lee-Crowther had rabbits, cats, and dogs. She thought everybody who owned a pet could communicate with them in the way she did—knowing how they felt, what they thought, and how they told you things. “It was only when I got older that I realized people with animals did not have the same experiences as me.” She was out riding a pony one day with a friend. She asked that friend what her pony was saying to her; and asked if she told her she had a bad back. “She said, ‘I don’t understand what you mean. My pony doesn’t tell me anything.’”
The advent of the internet led Lee-Crowther to discover that she was not alone, and the psychic skill was called “animal communication.” At the time she was selling equine equipment, and with customers she would ask to see pictures of their horses, and amaze them by telling them what ailments the horses suffered from.
“They would say, ‘I can’t believe you know that. How would you know that by looking at a photograph?’ Word quickly got around, and people started coming with pictures of their pets.”
Lee-Crowther stopped selling equine equipment, and became a full-time pet psychic, and now, as well as the TV appearances, she has her own radio show. She has communicated with other famous people’s pets like Russell Brand’s cat. But she says she does not want to reveal names, besides those who have appeared on TV shows alongside her.
She is often called when a pet goes missing; or even by owners who love their pets so much they want to communicate directly with them. Those like Lee-Crowther, who believe pets can see into the human future, contact her to ask their pets what they should do in their own lives—one woman successfully sold her business on her pet’s advice. “If I’m stuck or not sure what to do, I will consult my pets and ask their opinions,” Lee-Crowther said. “I know this seems wacky, but I often do go along with what they have shown me.”
Despite the stereotypes of cats being withholding and dogs unflappably by-the-side loyal, Lee-Crowther says she has found no difference between the two when it comes to being open to connect if she “tunes in” to them. “No one animal is more psychic than another. Just like people, every individual animal has their own personality, agenda, and strengths. Just like with people, one animal can be very chatty and another very quiet. Some animals give me lots of information, some not so much, but all generally are open to communication.
“Sometimes they need a little bit of encouragement, and sometimes they are quite surprised you are communicating with them. One lady had a cat who sat mostly in the cupboard. But during our session the cat ran over and sat on her lap. The cat knew what was taking place. I was communicating with a horse whose head started nodding up and down very quickly, as if it was nodding. The lady who owned it said she had never seen the horse do that.”

Beth Lee-Crowther.
Courtesy Rachael ParishOne of the hardest things is to communicate with animals who have been abused or harmed in any way, “which sadly happens all too often”; this typically takes place after they have been rescued and are with a new, loving owner keen to know how best to help them heal.
“I don’t find communicating with animals exhausting,” Lee-Crowther said. “I find it extremely natural to switch on or off. Otherwise, I would be open to animal communication all the time. Sometimes when I am out shopping or having a walk, I do see other animals and I say hello and ask how they are, but I am very aware I cannot go over to the owner and say ‘I’ve just been talking to your pet,’ because that would be a very inappropriate thing to say to a stranger. Sometimes I do like saying hello to an animal, just as you might out of politeness. I wouldn’t want to encroach on anybody. I don’t tell people what I do, because I am aware it’s a very unusual thing to do.”
Lee-Crowther loves teaching what she does to others, one-on-one and in workshops. “I believe lots of people are communicating with their pets and not realizing—like me as a child thinking it was normal. It’s not difficult to do. If you’re an animal-lover and open-minded and intend to do it there is no reason you can’t do this.”
To start with, she says people should not be scared to talk to their pets. She finds they can be, and worry their pets will tell them something they do not want to hear, such as the pet not liking them, or telling them something bad is about to happen. So she gets them to work first with a pet they do not own, either via a photo or physically with them.
“Then do some meditation techniques, deep breathing first, visualization, say the pet’s name in your mind three times. It’s like a key opening a door. Then start asking the pet open-ended questions: ‘How are you feeling today?’ ‘What’s your favorite thing to do?’ Nothing too rigid, so the animal has an opportunity to say what it wants to say.’”
After this, Lee-Crowther will go through the information gathered and see what can be verified, with people often surprised to see how accurate some of it is. When people feel confident to work with their own pets, they worry about the voice they may hear in their heads as the communication begins. “But that voice is not a scary one. It is usually your own,” said Lee-Crowther. “I liken it to reading a book. It is someone else’s words you are reading in your voice as you read them from the page. That’s how it feels.”
Lee-Crowther also communicates with dead pets, and is a human medium too, claiming to bring “meaningful messages and accurate validations of lives, personalities, and health issues suffered while on earth” to surviving loved ones. Her book, Life By Numbers, is “a thousand psychic messages” rooted in “Universal Number Attraction”; she also uses “Oracle Cards” to “offer wisdom when looking towards the future; a topic many of us want to explore and have guidance with.”
To her critics and those who mock or dismiss her, she said, “I say, ‘Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.’”
“I offer free readings on my radio show. Anyone can get in touch and make up their own minds. I have not come across too many unkind people. Even when people say to me they are a non-believer or are skeptical, the next thing they do is show me a picture of their pet.”
Lee-Crowther laughed. “I say, ‘Hang on a minute. If you don’t believe in it, why are you getting a picture of your pet out and telling me their name?’ If you’re a pet-lover, you are naturally curious about this. I say have a go, or go to someone else recommended to you. Don’t judge something till you’ve tried it. If everybody had that attitude, we’d never make any progress in our lives.”
“I often get a phone call at 11 p.m., saying, ‘Can you tell Monty to come home.’ So I do, and he’s usually back within the hour.”
At home, with four pets and so much communication, things can get pretty loud. Lee-Crowther and her partner Nigel live with two Jack Russell-crossed-with-chihuahuas (Vivienne Westwoof—named after the fashion designer Vivienne Westwood, and Tilly), and a Chinese Crested Powderpuff called Misty. All are rescue dogs, and “we want to give them the best life.” She also has an African Grey parrot called Marty (named after the singer Marty Wilde; it is her second parrot named Marty).
When Lee-Crowther asks her pets what they want to eat, they will “completely ignore their usual food and ask for roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. We all laugh at that,” she said. One day Misty told Lee-Crowther she had an earache, proven by a gentle inspection, and then promptly treated. Sometimes Lee-Crowther asks the dogs if they are OK, and they tell her they are bored and want to go for a walk.
Marty the parrot is the funniest; the day before we spoke he asked Lee-Crowther for some cornflakes breakfast cereal, which she fed him dry out of the box, she said. “He went mad, ate it really quickly.”
At one animal communication workshop, he told a participant that he wanted Quavers, a well-known cheese-flavored British potato chip. Lee-Crowther emphasizes she feeds all her animals the right and proper food, but as an experiment did go out, buy a bag of Quavers, and offer one to Marty, “and he snatched it off me!”
Lee-Crowther has three children (Rachael, 32, Kieran, 28, and Alice, 22; stepson Matthew lives nearby). The family is “always laughing” at all the animal-talking going on. “My family hasn’t known me any different way. They’re very accepting,” said Lee-Crowther. Nigel had never heard of pet psychics until he met her, “but he’s a very laid-back character and very open-minded. He supports me.” When they first met, Lee-Crowther gave him readings of animals he had when he was younger. Her children are “intuitive, free spirits.”
Lee-Crowther’s niece Sophie, 16, is “a natural animal communicator,” with a cat called Monty who regularly wanders off.
“I often get a phone call at 11 p.m. from her saying, ‘Can you tell Monty to come home.’ So I do, and he’s usually back within the hour,” Lee-Crowther said. Sophie had been asking her aunt how to communicate with Monty. Lee-Crowther did not tell her that when she communicates with Monty the first thing he does is to grumpily tell Lee-Crowther to “Eff off, I won’t say the word.” Sophie later reported back that she had tried to talk to Monty, and he had told her the same. “I told her, he says the same to me, and that was obviously very validating for her.”
Lee-Crowther knows how all this may read and sound, “but it just becomes normal,” she said. “It’s amazing what you can gain from pets and how they enrich your life and bring something new to it. Animals are wonderful healers. I am a big believer in therapy pets. Pets generally are tremendous companions. You can love them as much as a person, and grieve for them just as hard as well.”
The pets Lee-Crowther has communicated with during the pandemic have “absolutely loved” having their humans around so much. “They will miss it when people go back to work, although many people will still work from home. Pets have played a hugely important role during this pandemic. They have been a lifeline for people. For people struggling with loneliness, anxiety or depression, they are the perfect companions. Your pet knows when you are struggling. When my mother was in physical agony with something, Misty ran over to her and sat with her, her head next to where the problem was. Animals know.”
So, will she link up again with Major and Champ, pre- or post-moving in to the White House? Lee-Crowther laughed. “I’m not sure. If Joe Biden wanted me too, I’m sure I would oblige. We will see. I know and believe in their love and devotion to him and Jill, which is absolutely marvelous. I have every faith Joe Biden will do a good job as president, because I believe what these dogs tell me.”