The satirical film, co-starring Michaela Jaé Rodriguez and Lewis Pullman, is fun and twisty, even if it could stand to be more outrageous.
Animation house Illumination’s first “original” movie in years isn’t really so original.
Much like the adorable toys themselves, this ’90s-throwback biopic’s value nosedives fast.
Now that “Cocaine Bear” is a bona fide, unlikely smash, Oscar-winners Phil Lord and Christopher Miller tell us how they pulled off making a movie this outrageous.
The new horror-comedy leans on its outrageous concept—bear does blow; eats people—and silly title, but produces nothing worthwhile. It’s a new generation’s “Snakes on a Plane.”
The actress’s new film is about a bear who does a ton of blow and goes on a murderous rampage. As she tells us, it changed her entire outlook on life. Seriously.
The trailer for ‘Cocaine Bear,’ which is about a real-life bear who did an entire bag of discarded drugs, is out—previewing what’s sure to be the cinematic masterpiece of 2023.
It’s hard not to feel unsettled watching the trailer for “Call Jane,” about a a woman in the ’60s who joins the dangerous movement to help women access illegal abortions.
From Emma Stone to Jennifer Lawrence, the hottest trend among Tinseltown’s biggest actresses is landing a non-famous beau.
The new horror flick, produced by the director of ‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’ turns the Superman myth on its head.