Jackman and ‘The Front Runner’ director Jason Reitman on the sex scandal that doomed a presidential hopeful, changed politics, and got us to finally think: What about the woman?
While Gary Hart’s sex scandal toppled his 1988 presidential campaign, Trump was elected to the White House despite a seemingly endless string of them.
In a new book on the 1987 episode that wrecked Gary Hart’s presidential chances, Matt Bai argues that it marks the moment when political reporting went tabloid.
From the exile of a former president in Williamsburg to the return of Wonder Woman, The Daily Beast picks the best journalism from around the web this week.
Advice from one scandalized woman to another on how to build a life when the entire world has judged you.
Trayvon Martin supporters wonder why Zimmerman didn’t need prompt medical attention for his injuries.
Occupy Wall Street may not be about sex, but protesters still find ways to hook up. By Casey Schwartz.
Candidates in both parties cheat on their wives. But, Gail Sheehy notes, it's usually Democrats, like John Edwards, who get caught.