Tippi Hedren starred in Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds” and is the mother of Melanie Griffith and grandmother of Dakota Johnson.
Actress says Hitchcock assaulted, harassed, and threatened her while filming ‘The Birds’ and ‘Marnie.’ Such abusers are deficient, she says, and their victims must make a stand.
<p>Watch an exclusive clip of Melanie Griffith’s very real lion attack from the film <i>Roar</i>, the most dangerous movie ever made. It will be re-released in theaters this week.</p>
Remember that insane movie in which a lion mauled a teen-aged Melanie Griffith? No? Now you can see it.
The ‘Blue Is the Warmest Color’ feud heats up. Here’s nine horrific tales of directors terrorizing actresses. By Kevin Fallon.
A seemingly inane question asked by a New York Times reporter of Tippi Hedren last week led to an online frenzy about the definition of misogyny, cyber-meanness and the role of media. Jesse Ellison says it’s a lot to take in.
Michael Jackson’s pet tiger Thriller has died of lung cancer. From George Clooney’s pig to an alligator in the White House, see stars’ strangest domestic companions.