Madonna has been censured by Instagram after she showered praise on the Trump-endorsed doctor who espouses coronavirus conspiracy theories and believes some gynecological problems are caused by people having sex in their dreams with demons. The singer shared the same misleading video shared by President Trump on Monday, which featured Houston pediatrician Stella Immanuel claiming that she has successfully treated hundreds of novel coronavirus patients with the the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine and going on to say masks don’t work. In her caption, Madonna incorrectly claimed that a COVID-19 vaccine has been “proven and has been available for months,” and went on: “They would rather let fear control them and let the rich get richer and the poor and sick get sicker. This woman is my hero — thank you Stella Immanuel.” Instagram blurred out the video with a caption saying “False Information,” and the post was later deleted from Madonna’s page. On Tuesday, Donald Trump Jr. was banned from tweeting for 12 hours after he posted the same clip.