Mary Trump was released from a gag order Monday—and she’s wasted no time making use of her new-found freedom. Hot from a Wednesday interview on Good Morning America in which she accused her uncle of blatant cheating on his SATs, now she’s told TheWashington Post that her uncle is “clearly racist” and that racial slurs were common to hear when around her father’s family as she growing up. She that she got used to “a knee-jerk anti-Semitism, a knee-jerk racism,” and added: “Growing up, it was sort of normal to hear them use the n-word or use anti-Semitic expressions.” She also described her uncle in the White House as being “eminently usable by people who are stronger and savvier than he is” and want to exploit him, and names Trump’s daughter Ivanka and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as his chief enablers. Mary Trump released her new book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man, this week after her family challenged its publication in the courts.