
Right Wing Conspiracies Swirl After Clinton Email Revelation


Despite the sheer craziness of the story itself, corners of the Internet speculated that there was something more going on.

Photo Illustration by Lyne Lucien/The Daily Beast

Bill Mitchell thought something was off.

“This whole FBI thing has my spidey senses tingling,” the platinum-haired radio host and Donald Trump Twitter super fan tweeted on Friday afternoon. “It’s too easy. They are up to something.”

The man who often occupies his time by discussing a secret untapped “monster vote” for Trump, which will guarantee him victory on election day, was of course referring to the October surprise of the day: a letter from FBI director James Comey announcing the FBI was looking into a set of emails “pertinent to the investigation” of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, discovered as a byproduct of an investigation into former congressman Anthony Weiner’s alleged sexting of an underage girl.

Most people would think that true storyline alone could only be crafted by a creative writing student aspiring to work on “Veep.” But Bill Mitchell is not most people.

“I don’t trust this FBI thing,” he tweeted sowing more doubt this afternoon. “It feels like an attempt to distract from something larger and then at the last moment declare it nothing.”

But just what would it be distracting from?

Mitchell did not respond to a request for clarification via email.

He wasn’t the only one to suggest that this was some grand false flag operation.

During a segment on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show, Limbaugh presented an idea which he attributed to his producer Bo Snerdley (whose real name is James Golden), that the FBI was attempting to win Trump’s favor because they knew he was going to win the election.

“Snerdley’s theory is the FBI does their own internal polling, and the FBI is looking at things here and they realize there might be a new sheriff in town here in a couple of weeks and they might want to get on the right side of things with the new sheriff,” Limbaugh said in his typical growls.

“The FBI is one of these institutions that we used to be able to count on, depend on, and what they told you was true,” he continued. “If there was DNA evidence on something, it was there. If there wasn’t, it wasn’t. If there was gun residue here or wasn’t, yeah. Whatever they told you, you believed—and that’s out the window.

That’s gone now with this Clinton investigation. They really have blown that. I mean, people now think the FBI can be politicized like anything else that Obama touches or that the Democrats touch.”

Limbaugh did not respond to an email asking about this theory.

So either the announcement was a distraction or it was meant as a preemptive gesture of reconciliation to Trump due to secret polling showing that he is not in fact losing at the moment.

But that wasn’t the last of the theories.

On the subreddit The_Donald, a popular conglomerate of Trump’s biggest fans and an assortment of varied Pepe the Frog memes, a user suggested that the timing of the news was peculiar. The user “MightBeANovelty” noticed that Comey’s letter happened to arrive around the same time conservative political activist James O’Keefe released a new video; the idea being that his video would be worse for Democrats than the FBI director’s statement.

It is unclear what if anything will come from this new revelation with just eleven days left in an unbearable presidential election. But both campaigns seem to agree on one thing: they want more information.

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