The man widely suspected of being behind QAnon’s master account has announced a long-shot run for Congress with a toe-curling video. Ron Watkins is a notorious MAGA conspiracy theorist who many believe masqueraded as the fictional government official known as Q for years and helped spread the far-right QAnon conspiracy around the world. In a video announcing his run in Arizona, Watkins displayed a stunning lack of charisma and his eyes can clearly be seen scanning his hammy script. The QAnon leader proclaimed: “If we don’t follow our beliefs and the founding principles of our nation, it will crumble! This must stop now! Therefore, I have decided to double down—with God as my compass—to take this fight to the swamp of Washington, D.C.” Watkins said he’ll be challenging Rep. Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ,) who the QAnoner melodramatically described as “the dirtiest Democrat in the D.C. swamp.”