
Stephen Sondheim: I’d Like To See the Term LGBT Disappear From the English Language

Stonewall 50
Photo Illustration by Sarah Rogers/The Daily Beast / Photos Getty

Stephen Sondheim said he didn't want to ‘pontificate’ about Stonewall’s 50th anniversary, but had one very definite response to what he wanted to see in the next 50 years.

In this special series, LGBT celebrities and public figures talk to Tim Teeman about the Stonewall Riots and their legacy—see more here.

Stephen Sondheim

Multi-award winning composer and lyricist

When and how did you first hear about the Stonewall Riots, and what did you make of them; what is their significance for you; how far have LGBT people come in the last 50 years; what would you like to see, LGBT-wise in the next 50 years?

Answering those first three questions smacks too much of pontification for me, but I certainly have an answer for the fourth: I’d like to see the term LGBT disappear from the English language.