These advertisements will make you laugh, cry, and, well—mostly laugh some more, from the touching Clydesdale reunion to an even feistier-than-normal Amy Poehler grilling a Best Buy employee. Get those nachos ready and settle in for a rerun of The Daily Beast-certified best Super Bowl commercials.
Jeep: America Is Whole Again
Half the battle is making it through this ad without crying. In this Jeep ad, the company salutes the return of American troops, with the message “America is home again”—complete with an Oprah voice-over. “Because when you’re home, we’re more than a family—we’re a nation,” Oprah narrates over images of American soldiers returning home. “It was a moment that resonated to my core,” Oprah tweeted about the ad.
Mercedes, Coolest Man in the World
Would you strike a deal with the devil (in the form of Willem Dafoe with sharpened fingernails) for a shiny new Mercedes? It’s nothing that hasn’t been done before, and this guy is highly tempted.
Budweiser, Brotherhood
It’s totally OK if you teared up a little at this. Not that we did. But this classic rearing-to-separation-to-reunion tale of a Clydesdale and its owner was truly touching. Remember Christian the lion, anyone?
Axe No. 15
Classic girl-meets-boy love story with a twist. Short and sweet, it made it onto the list because “Nothing beats an astronaut” may be one of the greatest Super Bowl commercial ad taglines in recent history.
Best Buy, Asking Amy
In case there was any doubt about Best Buy’s customer service quality, Amy Poehler tested it out. But first, won’t he unbutton his shirt a bit?
Kia Sorento, Space Babies
This may or may not be factually accurate, but we’d all like to believe there’s a world out there populated solely by tiny adorable babies of all species living in perfect harmony.
Volkswagen, Get In, Get Happy
In case you thought Americans were friendly, keep in mind that even a touch of Jamaica can brighten anyone’s day. Yah, mon.
Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd for Samsung
It’s absurd that advertisers can’t say “Super Bowl” during commercials, according to Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd. In talks with Samsung they come up with some very, very close, and highly entertaining, alternatives. Baltimore Black Birds, perhaps, and the San Francisco 50s Minus One works just as well.
Doritos, Fashionista Dad
Super Bowl, schmuper bowl. This cool dad has more fun playing princess (with a Doritos incentive) than downing brews with the bros. Makeup and all., Dramatic Focus Group
Because nothing is better than a hidden camera, this hilarious sequel to’s “undramatic” car-buying extravaganza will make you want to join some focus groups.
Coca-Cola, Coke Chase
Have you ever dreamed of an epic race through the desert, complete with a camel caravan, cowboy gang, tour buses of headdress-clad women, and motorcyclists, all advancing toward a giant bottle of Coke? Neither have we. But after Coca-Cola’s rendition of one, Pepsi has some work to do.
Wheat Thins, Guardian Bigfoot
As a Wheat Thin owner, you’re bound to get a little paranoid, but this guy really takes it up a notch—and for good reason.
Taco Bell, ‘Viva Young’
This makes us feel a lot better about getting old. These old folkies have the time of their lives once the lights go out. From the clubs to the tattoo parlors to the bar bathrooms, this looks like an epic night on the town.
Go Daddy, Your Big Idea
It’s a small world—especially when everyone’s stealing your idea. Originality is key for a memorable Super Bowl commercial, and the combination of accents and scenery makes this a keeper, even if it isn’t especially funny.
Hyundai, Team of Kids
Don’t get on the bad side of these pint-size warriors. Especially not the bear-wrestling one.