Nina Strochlic is a former reporter and researcher for The Daily Beast.Send her a tip: You can also use our anonymous document submission system, SecureDrop. Click here to find out how.

Daily Beast Reporters Remember the Legendary Chris Dickey
FAREWELL TO AN ICON‘Chris was simultaneously the most glamorous and adventurous person who’d ever walked among us.’

Inside the Hyena-Worshipping, Beer-Brewing City of Saints
SAY WHAT?The kaleidoscopic city of Harar, Ethiopia, is the fourth holiest city in Islam, but it’s also famous for its beer, moral laxity, and that you can have a hyena eat off your head.

The World’s Best Hangover Cures
Hair of the DogFrom ceviche marinade to pickled sheep eyeballs to ground rhino horns, here are the craziest hangover cures from around the globe.

‘I Was Jailed for a Miscarriage’
WAR ON WOMENAt El Salvador’s Ilopango prison, at least 21 women are serving time for ‘abortions’ they say they never had. Here, one woman tells her heartbreaking story.

Back to School in World’s Murder Capital
Littlest VictimsIn El Salvador, students are afraid to study and teachers say doing their job is more dangerous now than it was during the bloody 10-year civil war.

Pay To Get Shelled In Your Sleep
NEW TOURISMThere's thrilling travel experiences and then there are THRILLER travel experiences. Welcome to the War Hostel in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The World Can’t Afford All Its Refugees
Conflict & CrisisRecord numbers are straining humanitarian agencies to the breaking point—and leaving those fleeing war zones without access to basic food and water.

A Wonderland of Gold, Ganja, and Hockey
WHAT A WORLDInside the remote Manitoba mining town that became famous for marijuana, for producing NHL players—and for inspiring a fierce loyalty on the part of its residents.

Doctor Overdoses at NYC ‘Cocaine Pad’
TragicA beautiful Long Island dermatologist and mother of three died after a night out partying with an Emmy-nominated HBO producer—and cops are still looking for answers.

Inside The Real-Life Mermaid Kingdom
What a WorldIn the early 1960s, Jacques Cousteau dreamt up a place for humans to live underwater. There was a garage for two-man diving saucer, and the living quarters were called the Starfish House.