
Trump on Meghan Diss: ‘I Didn’t Know That She Was Nasty’


The duchess criticized Trump on a talk show before the 2016 election.


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President Donald Trump won’t be meeting Meghan Markle during his visit to Britain—and maybe that’s a good thing.

During an interview with London’s The Sun newspaper, Trump said he was unaware that Markle had dissed him on a talk show before the 2016 election.

“I didn’t know that. What can I say? I didn’t know that she was nasty,” he said.

His description harkened back to a comment he made in 2016, during the final presidential debate, when he called Hillary Clinton a “nasty woman”—a label that then became a badge of honor for feminists.

Appearing on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore more than two years ago, Markle said she might leave the U.S. if Trump beat Clinton.

“It’s really the moment I go,” the actress, who was not yet married to Prince Harry at the time, said.

“We film Suits in Toronto and I might just stay in Canada.”

She called Trump a misogynist and said “you don’t really want that kind of world that he’s painting.”

Asked about the comments, Trump put diplomacy over his usual name-calling

“It is nice, and I am sure she will do excellently,” he said of her new role as a member of the royal family.

“She will be very good. I hope she does (succeed).”

The Sun said that Trump will not cross paths with Markle during his visit because she is on maternity leave, but he didn’t know that she wouldn’t be part of the welcoming party for the state visit.