The Trump Organization met with Ukrainian government officials in the early 2000s to discuss building a multimillion-dollar hotel and golf course in the country, Politico reports. The firm reportedly considered at least two developments in Ukraine—a golf resort in Kyiv and a hotel and yacht club in the seaside city of Yalta in Crimea. It’s reported the Ukrainian government granted Trump the right to build properties in both cities, but it’s unclear why neither project started. Trump’s children were directly engaged in the talks—Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump visited an adviser to then-Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko in 2006, and Trump Jr. returned in 2008 to meet with developers at DeVision, one of the largest real-estate businesses in Ukraine. There are no accusations that the Trump Organization broke the law with its efforts in Ukraine, but Joe Biden’s campaign said the report was “the latest reminder that every single day, Donald Trump is breaking his promise to the American people to release his tax returns and be transparent about for whom he really works.”