
Why Is Caitlyn Jenner Refusing to Quit Donald Trump?


After criticizing Trump’s trans military ban—and his stance on trans bathroom rights—the former Olympian turned reality star was seen cruising around Malibu in a MAGA hat.

Mega Agency

Are we done with Caitlyn Jenner’s hypocrisy yet? Not only is she part of the Kardashian Klan, a family busy selling you fashion and lip kits and messy personal drama (when they’re not stealing from black culture, that is), but Jenner has now reached Rob-levels of awful as she continues to flagrantly support Donald Trump amid his hateful, anti-LGBT rhetoric.

Just a week after Trump tweeted that he was banning transgender men and women from serving in the military, Jenner was spotted by TMZ joyriding in one of the president’s fashionably pernicious red Make America Great Again hats. This was only days after she claimed she was appalled by Trump’s treatment of trans military members.

Jenner tweeted: “There are 15,000 patriotic transgender Americans in the US military fighting for all of us. What happened to your promise to fight for them?”

The tweet itself was rather naive, as Trump had shown no actual inclination to support the LGBT community prior to his trans military ban. His administration didn’t even acknowledge LGBT Pride Month, his Justice Department is waging a war on gay workers, he hasn’t said a peep about the trans murder epidemic in America, and his boasts during the campaign that he would be better than Hillary Clinton for the gay community were more of his typical snake oil peddling.

Not that Jenner is a stranger to being dense. She also argued Trump would be better that Clinton on “women’s issues” while telling BuzzFeed that the hardest part about being a woman was figuring out what to wear: “It’s always that way; I never thought it would come to this. I had really no sense of style. Everyone around me in my family had the sense of style—I learned as much as I possibly could.”

Is it any wonder that the Kardashian family’s resident Amelia Bedelia now insists her MAGA hat incident on Friday was a simple wardrobe mistake? TMZ reports: “Before leaving home she realized she needed a hat...something better than a golf visor to protect her hair. She rummaged through the 10 hats in her closet and grabbed one without looking at the stitching. She says when she got to the club she threw the hat on the floor of the car, spent an hour or so hitting some balls and left. When she got to the car she grabbed the hat and saw the inscription, and realized what she had done.”

According to TMZ, after realizing her error, “Caitlyn had a dilemma on her hands...wear the hat home or screw up her ‘do. She chose the former, thinking no one was going to spot her. She wanted to stop at a Starbucks for a latte but exercised caution, a mile from the coffee joint she switched to the golf visor and walked inside.”

It’s good to know that Jenner apparently valued her hairdo over promoting Trump in the wake of his heinous treatment of the trans men and women who protect our country.

If you believe that story, then you’re as gullible as Jenner was while traipsing into the women’s restroom at Trump Tower during the presidential election and claiming that Republicans would let trans people use whatever restroom they want. She even went as far as filming a video of herself using the restroom there, and remarked: “A trans woman in New York, I gotta take a pee. Anyways, oh my god, Trump International Tower, I love this.” If that weren’t enough, Jenner filmed another video after Trump was elected president, telling him to “call her” so they could discuss trans rights after he withdrew federal legal guidance on letting trans youth use the restroom of their choosing at school. She said: “From one Republican to another, this is a disaster. You made a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me.”

The call never came.

Hopefully Jenner’s repeated claims that she now “detests” Trump will stick. “What he’s doing to our community is absolutely fucking awful,” Jenner told TMZ. The trans community—and the LGBT community at large—has been adversarial to Trump and in turn Jenner, both for speaking at the Republican National Convention and acting as if her privilege as an incredibly rich white woman extends to everyone in her community. Let’s stop looking to Jenner to represent the LGBT community because she continues to disappoint; we keep writing the same things about her again and again and nothing ever sticks.

We can make fun of Jenner because everyone needs a laugh these days, but I’m not imploring her to wake up and smell the discrimination because honestly, who cares? It’s perfectly okay to drag Jenner because she’s been a contradictory mess for months, and it’s possible to do this without being transphobic. Jenner’s fallacy has nothing to do with her trans identity and everything to do with her obliviousness to the plight of anyone living outside the celebrity bubble. Perhaps now she gets it. But maybe Jenner should start talking to the trans community instead of TMZ.

And maybe she should just stick to Uber as well.

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