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Chris Hedges is the author of many books, including Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt, The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress, Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle, American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America, and War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, which was a National Book Critics Circle finalist. He is a senior fellow at The Nation Institute and was a foreign correspondent for nearly two decades for The New York Times, The Dallas Morning News, The Christian Science Monitor and National Public Radio. He was a member of the team that won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting for The New York Times coverage of global terrorism, and he received the 2002 Amnesty International Global Award for Human Rights Journalism.


In the Black Mines

Depression Country

<p>Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges and illustrator Joe Sacco spent years chronicling life in the ‘sacrifice zones’ in the American Dream, where human beings and natural resources are used and then discarded by corporations. The result is <i><a href="" target="_blank">Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt</a></i>, which culminates in the Occupy Wall Street movement. In this illustrated strip, dying West Virginian miner Rudy tells the story of his grueling life, drawn by Sacco. Plus, Hedges talks to people in the region about the <a href="/content/dailybeast/articles/2012/06/14/chris-hedges-and-joe-sacco-chronicle-mining-catastrophes-in-west-virginia.html">devastating effects of mountaintop removal</a>.</p>

Chris Hedges, Joe Sacco | Published Jun 14, 2012

The World Is Flat

Depression Country

<p>Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges and illustrator Joe Sacco spent years chronicling life in the ‘sacrifice zones’ in the American Dream, where human beings and natural resources are used and then discarded by corporations. The result is <i><a target="_blank" href="">Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt</a></i>, which culminates in the Occupy Wall Street movement. In the excerpt below, they detail the effects of coal mining in West Virginia, a state destroyed by mountaintop removal also. Plus, a dying miner tells the story of his life, <a href="/content/dailybeast/galleries/2012/06/14/joe-sacco-on-the-story-of-rudy-a-west-virginia-miner-illustrations.html">illustrated by Sacco</a>.<br> </p>

Chris Hedges, Joe Sacco | Published Jun 14, 2012