Joe Sacco is a cartoonist who helped create war reportage comics. He's the coauthor of Days of Revolt, Days of Destruction, with Chris Hedges, and author of Journalism, Palestine, which received the American Book Award, and Safe Area: Goražde, which won the Eisner Award and was named a New York Times notable book and Time magazine's best comic book of 2000. His comics reporting has appeared in Details, The New York Times Magazine, Time, Harper's and The Guardian. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

In the Black Mines
Depression Country<p>Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges and illustrator Joe Sacco spent years chronicling life in the ‘sacrifice zones’ in the American Dream, where human beings and natural resources are used and then discarded by corporations. The result is <i><a href="" target="_blank">Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt</a></i>, which culminates in the Occupy Wall Street movement. In this illustrated strip, dying West Virginian miner Rudy tells the story of his grueling life, drawn by Sacco. Plus, Hedges talks to people in the region about the <a href="/content/dailybeast/articles/2012/06/14/chris-hedges-and-joe-sacco-chronicle-mining-catastrophes-in-west-virginia.html">devastating effects of mountaintop removal</a>.</p>

The World Is Flat
Depression Country<p>Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges and illustrator Joe Sacco spent years chronicling life in the ‘sacrifice zones’ in the American Dream, where human beings and natural resources are used and then discarded by corporations. The result is <i><a target="_blank" href="">Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt</a></i>, which culminates in the Occupy Wall Street movement. In the excerpt below, they detail the effects of coal mining in West Virginia, a state destroyed by mountaintop removal also. Plus, a dying miner tells the story of his life, <a href="/content/dailybeast/galleries/2012/06/14/joe-sacco-on-the-story-of-rudy-a-west-virginia-miner-illustrations.html">illustrated by Sacco</a>.<br> </p>