Jennifer Miller’s debut novel, The Year of the Gadfly, will be published by Harcourt this May. Follow her on twitter @propjen.

A Picture Says It All
SnappedFor authors and publishers one of the most fraught parts of publicizing book is what photo to put on the jacket. Novelist Jennifer Miller on what a photo says about the author.
Jennifer Miller | Published Dec 10, 2013

3 Must Reads
New novels: a commune ripe for comedy and absurdity, a village pretends the Holocaust isn’t happening, and A.S. Byatt interprets the great Norse god myths.

Great Weekend Reads
This week: the great William Kennedy returns with a Cuban adventure, an inventive look at a man’s discovery of his father, a dystopian take on Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”, and coming of age with no where to go.