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Susan Salter Reynolds is a writer and book critic. She is a regular contributor to the Los Angeles Times.


John Irving’s Avenue of Mysteries


The adroit talespinner is at the height of his powers in his latest novel, in which magic, the past, and the future conspire to turn the present inside out.

Susan Salter Reynolds | Published Nov 03, 2015

Healing Words

Born Storyteller

The prolific author Terry Tempest Williams turns every interview into a conversation, as Susan Salter Reynolds discovers.

Susan Salter Reynolds | Published May 22, 2012

Great Weekend Reads

This week: the great William Kennedy returns with a Cuban adventure, an inventive look at a man’s discovery of his father, a dystopian take on Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”, and coming of age with no where to go.

Susan Salter Reynolds, Jennifer Miller, Christopher Byrd, John Wilwol | Published Nov 13, 2011

A Writer's International Wanderings

From the Manhattan of Andy Warhol to gypsy camps in France, novelist Fernanda Eberstadt has made her life exploring unusual settings. She speaks to Susan Salter Reynolds about her own journey and her stunning new novel, Rat.

Susan Salter Reynolds | Published May 09, 2010