The Daily Beast special correspondent Michael Tomasky is also editor of Democracy: A Journal of Ideas. Follow Michael Tomasky on Twitter at @mtomasky.Send him tips: or You can also use our anonymous document submission system, SecureDrop. Click here to find out how.

The Right’s New Higher-Ed Target: Community Colleges
NOT JUST THE IVIESRight-wing anger at ‘leftist’ institutions is no longer limited to Cambridge and Palo Alto and New Haven. It just spread to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

The Capitol Rioters-Pro-Life Extremist Connection Is Real
SAME SWAMPThe Jan. 6 insurrectionists included some anti-choice extremists. This is not a coincidence.

‘Women’s Empowerment’ Was Ivanka’s Biggest Grift of All
FREE-MARKET FEMINISMIvanka Trump, global champion of women? A new General Accounting Office report says otherwise, and in a big way.

Infrastructure Week Is Finally Here. Let’s Have This Fight.
BUILD BACK BETTERWith this package, corporations are being pressed to put up or shut up. An economy that serves all Americans costs money—and it needs to come from them that’s got it.

Lara Trump’s Fox Gig Will Be One Big Campaign Ad—for Herself
FOXY LADYDeveloping!: Lara is changing her career, from Republican propagandist to... uh, Republican propagandist.

Powell’s ‘Just Kidding’ Defense Is Seriously, Literally Nuts
‘NO REASONABLE PERSON’When people enter into the political arena, invent crazy conspiracy theories, and stoke violence and sedition, millions of Americans do take them seriously.

We’re on the Cusp of a Lost COVID Generation—Do We Care?
CRISIS TIMEIf so, here’s what colleges need to do: vastly improve their mental health outreach and other forms of student support.

Finally, Under Biden, America Is Catching Up to New Zealand
CATCHING UPWhile you-know-who was talking up Clorox injections, the Kiwis relied on science. And it worked. Finally so are we. Better late than never.

GOP Rule: White People Can Shoot, Black People Can’t Vote
PRIORITIES...With each passing week, they make it more obvious. Whiteness, particularly of the conservative stripe, reigns supreme.

The GOP Is the Party of No Hope—and Endless Mass Murders
IT GETS WORSENow out of power, congressional Republicans have transformed themselves into the Helpless Caucus: Yes, there are problems, but no, we can’t do anything about them!