Eight senators said Biden must force Israel to allow aid into Gaza or risk losing U.S. military assistance.
As Barr testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, other prominent Democrats joined the call.
Clinton has her lead because of black women, basically. She owes them, as does the Democratic Party. It’s time to start paying them back.
When Maryland voters turn out on Tuesday, they’ll also be choosing a new senator in a race that’s rife with dirty tactics.
The Maryland Senate race could bring family feud between centrist and liberal Democrats out in the open.
Now that Republicans are opportunistically talking about stagnant wages, Democrats finally have the chance to throw supply-side economics in the dustbin of history.
A change to just one word in the agency’s rulebook could have prevented the Tea Party scandal.
GOP canard that must be defeated: A balanced budget does not lead to jobs. It's vice-versa.
Democrat Chris Van Hollen describes the debt supercommittee’s tortured efforts to make a deal. By Eleanor Clift.
Paul Ryan predicts the next big fiscal fight, Donald Trump champions the birthers, Tony Blair warns not to dismiss Gaddafi, and more in our Sunday talk roundup.