Anthony L. Fisher is a former senior opinion editor and a columnist for The Daily Beast. He also writes the “Calling Balls and Strikes” newsletter on Substack. Prior to the Beast, he was a politics and culture columnist for Business Insider, where he had previously served as politics editor. In both 2016 and 2017, he won Southern California Journalism Awards from the Los Angeles Press Club for investigative reporting on criminal justice.

Here’s Why Putin Loved the Biden/Trump Debate
GOOD BOY, DONThe Russian leader’s poodle, Donald Trump, confidently sold his authoritarian policies and talking points.

Biden’s Re-Election Is Doomed by Disastrous Debate
WTF WAS THAT?There’s almost no chance the president tries to debate Trump again, and Dems might be better off if he just quit.

Face It, the Way Biden and Trump Look Matters to Voters
FACE/OFFSexism lets men age in public while women are scorned, but ageism comes for everyone eventually.

Donald Trump’s Unverified but Not Impossible VP Short List
ONLY THE BEST PEOPLERubio, Vance, Burgum? Snooze. Here’s six veep contenders Trump really wants.

Candidates Who Are Actually Funny Usually Win Debates
COMEDY > WONKERYForget about typical debate prep, Biden and Trump’s advisers should be helping them make American voters laugh.

SCOTUS to MAGA: Your Social Media Conspiracy Dreams Are Bunk
WOMP WOMPThe Intellectual Dark Web’s twisted “Twitter Files” fantasy has ended with a thud.

We Know the Debate Is Total Bullshit, but We’ll Watch Anyway
ON WITH THE SHOWNo one’s minds will be changed by this silly spectacle, so we’ll just have to enjoy the dark comedy of it all.

Jamaal Bowman’s Defeat Is a Fatal Blow to Anti-Israel Left
SQUAD OWN-GOALSThe first “Squad” member to be kicked out of office by his party proves real progressives reject antisemitism.

Trump’s Debate Prep Is Whining and Making Stuff Up
TIRED OF ALL THIS LOSINGThe ex-president is on a long losing streak, and he needs his followers to believe it’s everyone’s fault but his own.

Biden’s Aging Is Treated Much More Harshly Than Reagan’s Was
C’MON, MANThe 81-year-old president has a grueling schedule and there’s no evidence of cognitive decline. Compare that to the 40th president, who was fading at a much younger age.