Ben Collins is a former editor at The Daily Beast.Send him a tip: You can also use our anonymous document submission system, SecureDrop. Click here to find out how.

Disinformation is the New Normal
FAKE RACIST GRANDMASThe Daily Beast was one of the first to cover the weirdness of hostile foreign entities posing as human actors on social media. It’s a beat that’s not going away anytime soon.

Reddit Promised Russia Probe Cooperation—Then Gave Nothing
R/NoCommentReddit’s CEO said the ‘front page of the Internet’ is working with Congress to uncover Russian propaganda. But it’s turned over no material to investigators.

Instagram’s Slime Stars Pivot to Soap
What It Sounds Like When Dove DriesVideos of teens carving, melting, and even dissolving soap are ‘having a moment’ among teens looking to de-stress on the internet. And somehow, the Russians have an advantage.

The Russian Troll Tumblr Post So Stupid It Went Viral
‘Kidnapped for Their Melanin’None of the troll-farm posts earned as much mockery across the web as Hustle in a Trap’s conspiracy theory about black people being kidnapped and ‘consumed’ for nearly $30 million.

Reddit Rises Up Against CEO for Hiding Russian Trolls
‘Own Dysfunction’He ‘fessed up days after The Daily Beast confirmed a Russian troll farm had used his platform, and on the same day that Senate investigators asked for new information from the site

Russians Used Reddit and Tumblr to Troll the 2016 Election
DownvoteThe internet giants are staying mum after a leak from the Kremlin-backed troll farm confirmed that they were key nodes in the Russian disinformation campaign.

Leaked: Secret Documents From Russia’s Election Trolls
RED SPILLAn online auction gone awry reveals substantial new details on Kremlin-backed troll farm efforts to stir up real protests and target specific Americans to push their propaganda.

Oath Cancels Show Starring Muslim-Hater’s Daughters
CUT OFFOne day after a Daily Beast report revealed the Oshry sisters’ infamous mother is Pamela Geller.

The Instagram Stars Hiding Their Famous, Muslim-Hating Mom
Mother, Where Art Thou?GirlWithNoJob, JackieOProblems, and the rest of the Instagram-famous family have gone to great lengths to conceal the identity of their Islamophobic mother.

Experts: The Myth of Video Games Making Killers Is ‘Nuts’
Game OverPresident Trump suggested violent video games might be a cause of the mass shooting epidemic. Researchers say his belief has ‘long been discredited.’