Olivia Nuzzi is a writer and journalist who formerly covered politics for The Daily Beast.Send her a tip: You can also use our anonymous document submission system, SecureDrop. Click here to find out how.

‘Illegal Voter’ Truther: I’ll Dox 3M
‘Evidence’ TKThat’s the same number Trump himself has used to try and explain away his huge popular vote defeat—but Gregg Phillips said it first, with no public evidence.

Trump’s Dark Forecast for America
StormyDonald Trump predicted dark times for the “shining city on a hill.”

Meet the MC of Trump’s No-Glitz Big Day
‘It’s Not Woodstock’As big-name performers keep their distance from our star-obsessed next president, one loyal man insists The Donald’s already landed ‘the biggest celebrity.’

Trump Vows Disclosure, Gives ‘Garbage’
Blind Trust MeDonald Trump’s first press conference in six months was supposed to focus on his plan to separate himself from his businesses. But Team Trump had other plans.

Trump Crushes the Last #NeverTrump Dream
PresidentedIt’s official: Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States.

What Trump Should Have Told the Press
Coulda, ShouldaInstead of fighting with Vanity Fair, the president-elect could have explained how he’s clearing up his conflicts of interest—and acknowledged a free press is necessary.

Trump Camp Paid Trump Biz $11 Million
Paid to PlayThe mogul’s vast network of hotels, restaurants, clubs, and golf courses were paid millions during his presidential campaign.

Ivanka Trump’s White House Bind
Conflicts GaloreHow can Donald Trump’s favorite child advise her father, protect her personal brand, and keep the United States from looking like a banana republic?

Trump Conspiracy Theorists’ Real Bullets
An armed man in Washington Sunday showed that there are many Americans who take insane ideas both literally and seriously.

All The President's Know-Nothing Men
SCAM ARTISTSTrump’s female-assaulting yes-man is back as an informal advisor, in a role that may give him significant sway over the president-elect.